Christopher Nemelka to host LDS Temple Symposium | Buzz Blog

Friday, November 30, 2012

Christopher Nemelka to host LDS Temple Symposium

Posted By on November 30, 2012, 4:46 PM

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Christopher Nemelka will conduct a symposium this Sunday afternoon at the Salt Lake City Main Library on his interpretation of the meaning of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints' temple endowment.---

Nemelka says he is "the world's foremost expert on Joseph Smith and Mormonism," claiming "there is no other person on this earth who knows Joseph Smith and his true history as I do."

Along with claiming to have translated the "sealed portion" of the Book of Mormon, Nemelka has written a biography of Joseph Smith called Without Disclosing My True Identity. Nemelka says he is Joseph's brother Hyrum, reincarnated, and claims Joseph Smith has regularly visited him. 

He says in an e-mail that his intention behind the symposium is to get public feedback on a video he has prepared about what goes on in LDS temples.

Once he's finished the video, he says it will become "the authorized and official explanation of the LDS Temple endowment. There be none other that even comes close to what I can explain. And you can bet the LDS Church is not going to like it, but there's not much they can do about it, because it is what it is. :-)"

Nemelka says he has "an obligation" to prepare a video on each of the books that the "Marvelous Work and a Wonder" has produced. The video the audience will see on Sunday stems from the book, which Nemelka wrote, "Sacred, not secret: The [authorized and] official guide in understanding the LDS Temple Endowment."

The event is free and runs from 2 to 5 p.m. at the library (210 E. 400 South).

Nemelka has been featured in several City Weekly cover stories, most recently Sealed Fate.

According to his journal/blog, there's also been upheaval within the ranks of those who follow him, with Nemelka writing on Nov. 21 that he has permanently banished from his group Julie Taggart, one of his longstanding supporters and, for a while, his PR person, and attorney Rod Vessels.

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