boom | Theater | Salt Lake City Weekly


Emotion in Motion: Humor, anger and heartbreak fuel three new theater productions.

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Boom is difficult to discuss without spoilers, but as its strength comes not from the specific plot events as much as the themes they represent, let’s see if I can avoid any big revelations.

boom is funny, above all—not just smirking “ah, yes, I recognize the intent of that to be amusing, and I am smug about being smart in said recognition” funny, but actually laughing out-loud funny. It’s also very dark, dealing with a host of issues relating to survival of not only individuals but the entire biosphere. And, while dealing with the survival of everything and being funny, boom also takes some excellent shots at destiny versus free will, with some troubling “larger responsibility” added to the mix.

Read Scott Renshaw's review of Danny & the Deep Blue Sea

Read Austen Diamond's review of Dancing at Lughnasa

The script by Peter Sinn Nachtrieb uses fun devices to make this familiar territory feel new. Barbara (Holly Fowers) is a figurative deus pulling levers on a literal machina, while completing most of her important statements with large hand gestures rather than words. Her power over the other characters, a pair of college students (Emily Burnworth and David Fetzer)—and that power’s juxtaposition against her bubbly and increasingly unhinged persona—is just one example of the defiance of expectations central to a show that is genuinely and pleasantly surprising.

boom makes a strong case for the idea of choice for the sake of choice, regardless of consequence or relevance. In that spirit, I recommend you choose to attend boom. It probably won’t alter the course of life as we know it, but you’ll have a good time.

Salt Lake Acting Company
168 W. 500 North
Through Dec. 5

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About The Author

Rob Tennant

Rob Tennant is a Salt Lake City freelance writer.

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