while many comic book titles break boundaries and formats with their
storytelling and characters, very few explore beyond the boxed panel
view that we as readers have grown accustomed to over the years. Six
or eight pictures a page to tell your tale and move on, some askewing
the view for a bit, but nothing radical. At least, that's what most
do. But today we look at one man's body of work that not only set him
apart from many of his peers, it put him and his styles into an
entirely different category of admiration.
--- This
weekend as part of the Downtown Main Library's “Literary
Luminaries” event, comic book creator and sought out artist David
Mack will be on hand at the event. In partnership with Night Flight
Comics, many of his original works will be on display in the 4th
Floor Gallery, as well as an open art demonstration and discussion
with the man himself this Saturday. But before he comes to town, I
got the opportunity to chat with him about his career and artwork,
creating Kabuki, his time on Daredevil, thoughts on the industry and
much more.
Hey David, first off, tell us a bit about yourself.
I’m the author of the Kabuki graphic novels, and The Shy Creatures children’s book, and I’ve worked as the writer of Daredevil as
well as artist on it. I have interests in Science, nature,
philosophy, and love.
What were some of your favorite comics growing up, and are there any
specific comic artists who influenced your work?
I had fairly little access to comics until closer to my teenage
years. And I grew up without television. But I did manage to read a
friend’s Daredevil issue when I was about nine years old. It was an
issue by Frank Miller and Klaus Jansen and it really challenged me as
a nine year old. A few years later I was lucky to find more of those
stories by Miller and Jansen and it really fascinated me in terms of
all that was being applied as an art of storytelling. The writing
was being told with the layout and the lighting and the rhythm of the
page. That made me interested in comics as a method of storytelling.
I’ve been really lucky to be able to work with creators that were
influential to me in those early formative years. I’m working with
Klaus Jansen and Bill Sienkiewicz on a Daredevil story right now that
I’m co-writing with Brian Michael Bendis. I’m working on a
project right now with Barron Storey whose work I saw as a teenager
in the Society of Illustrator’s Annuals. Alan Moore was very
inspiring to me as a writer in my early years.
You received your BFA in graphic design and minor in Literature from
Northern Kentucky University. What made you choose NKU, and what was
the program like for you there?
I was seventeen when I graduated high school and began college. I knew I
would not have anyone financing my education and that I needed to
figure that out myself. So I was working toward that in high school
in terms of trying to get scholarships. I was awarded some partial
scholarships to larger schools. But that was still too expensive for
me to be able to cover on my own. I actually went to join the
military at age seventeen to get my education paid for by the military. But
NKU offered me a full four-year scholarship so I went there. Then I
got a fifth year scholarship on a Dean’s scholarship for academics.
Instead of a specialized art school, it was a University. So that
really opened my world up to a lot of subjects and ideas that made my
world immensely larger and more diverse. I made my first children’s
book in a Children’s Literature class. I took the Japanese
Language, World Religions, History, History, Anatomy & Physiology, etc. These all made my work richer. I tried to funnel
what I was learning into my writing and art. Graphic Design was
taught as a synthesis of type and image, so I chose that to major in
because I saw that Sequential storytelling shared these attributes. I
was already planning to do comics but there was no class for that. So
I took from each class things that I could apply to my storytelling
work. I began working on comics professionally in my freshman year.
By my senior year, I had completed the first volume of Kabuki. It
was used for my senior thesis in Literature.
How did you eventually get on board with Caliber Press?
This is pre-internet. For me, anyway. Around 1991 or 1992, I sent
artwork in the mail to them with story ideas and art samples. I
called them to see if they got it. They said no, they did not, but
that it sounded interesting, and to send it again. So I sent more
stuff, and they published some projects that I was involved with. I
ended up doing a few different books with them. Then in 93, I
mentioned to them this project I was working on called Kabuki.
They said they wanted to publish it. After learning on a few other
books for a few years, I felt like I was finally ready to do this
Kabuki story.
Where did the idea for Kabuki come from, and how was it for
you planning the series out before it hit paper?
I’ve been a big fan of autobiographical comics. But I started
doing Kabuki when I was twenty years old and in college. I didn’t feel
un-self-conscious enough to do a fully autobiographical comic. Also,
I was so young that I really didn’t feel fully formed as a human to
the extent that I could articulate in that way. But I didn’t want
to make the main character an idealized version of myself. So I found
a way to write personal stories, but through a veil. I made the main
character a different gender. I set the book in another part of the
world. I was learning Japanese, and Japanese History and Mythology
because my best friend at the time was Japanese and I chose that
foreign language because he would help me with my homework and I had
a community to practice with. This gave me some archetypes and
mythology to integrate into the structure of my personal story. I
liked the idea that the story was in metaphors that allowed readers
to read it and see themselves, rather than just seeing me. Kabuki was
finally published in 1994. It was well-received critically,
nominated for several awards, and I was able to make a humble living
from the royalties. I kept on going with it and cultivated a
readership over the years.
The artistic styling and even writing are very different to that of
traditional comics. What made you want to design it out this way?
I start with the story first. I’m a writer first. Then I find a
way to use the art as a tool of the story. I try to choose the
visual approach that best fits with each individual story. I like to
design a new look and storytelling style for each project. I like
that comic books and graphic novels are a limber and fertile enough
of a medium to do this each time. When it is done best, the art and
story are indistinguishable from one another.
How did you take the popularity the comic started receiving when it
hit stores?
I was grateful. My mother was dying at that time. I was in college
and the first few issues of Kabuki were published before she died. I
was grateful that she was able to see that. I felt that gave her a
sense of closure in that she felt a little more at peace. She could
see that I’d be able to take care of myself. She had been very
encouraging to me in terms of my pursuing my creative interests. She
was essentially my biggest artistic influence. What I learned from
her as a child are principles that I still use each day in my work. I
think she got to have a bit of a sense that I’d be able to do
alright fulfilling my dream career before she passed on. So I was
very grateful for that. I was drawing a lot of those first couple
issues of Kabuki at her bedside when she was dying.
What was it like for you to move the title to Image, and eventually
ending the initial run of the series from there?
Erik Larson at Image gave me the invite to bring Kabuki to
Image at a very helpful time when I was trying to get the volumes of
Kabuki collected in paperback, and when I was starting a brand new
painted Kabuki series (Kabuki: Metamorphosis). And then Jim
Valentino became the publisher of Image for most of the time that I
was there. This was 1997 to 2004. It was a great working
relationship and there was a real family atmosphere with the people I
was working with. Valentino had brought my old Caliber pals Brian
Bendis and Mike Oeming over to Image as well, where they began
Powers. It was a great time and I was very grateful to be a part of
it with creators that I cared for and respected.
What was it like for you eventually working for Marvel and putting
your touch on their titles?
That was wonderful. It was like a dream. Joe Quesada asked me to be
the writer for Daredevil while he was drawing it. I had a wonderful
time working with him and working on a character and a title that
meant so much to me when I was a kid. Then I was able to work on
Daredevil with Brian Michael Bendis on his first Marvel story. It
was great to finally be able to collaborate with Brian on a project
that was worthy of our friendship.
Gavin: Speaking of, the work you get most recognized for is on Daredevil. How did the
opportunity come about to first work on it, and what was the reaction
from the company to the design changes you put on that title?
Joe Quesada called me and asked me to do a title for Marvel. Joe
had been a very generous supporter of me and of Kabuki very early on.
He told me that he liked my writing from Kabuki and that he’d like
to work with me writing a story for him sometime. So that turned out
to be Daredevil. I took over writing the book after Kevin Smith. I
asked Joe what he wanted from the story, and he asked me to create a
brand new villain. That became Echo. And Joe drew her
great. I felt an incredible amount of creative freedom working on
Daredevil. Joe and Nanci Quesada as editors only had a couple of
notes for me on the Daredevil stories and they were all great notes.
I was always happy to have their advice. Then I began doing covers
for Alias with Brian Bendis as we were doing Daredevil. Then when we
were having a difficult situation, they invited us to bring our
creator owned titles, Kabuki and Powers, to Marvel and we formed the
Icon Imprint at Marvel for them both. That was another
dream-like event.
Something that sets you a part from most current artists is that you
don't really do computer graphic design, you do actual artistic
pieces. What made you go in that direction when most everything is
being done digitally to some degree these days?
Its just my natural approach. I don’t have anything against a
computer design approach. I respect what people are doing with it.
And I may try it some time for a specific project. But so far I
haven’t felt the urge to do so, and I like working with my hands,
and that approach seemed right for the stories I was doing. But I bet
there will be a story some day that may make me want to experiment
with it. Alex Maleev is doing a great job with it on his Daredevil
work and his new Spider-Woman series with Brian Bendis. That said, I
never get tired of making art with my hands and the handmade approach
of dealing with 3D materials.
We've been reading talk on the Kabuki movie. I know you can't give
away a lot, but can you share with us what's been going on with the
script and production so far?
Kabuki was at Fox for a while. They bought the option four times.
I worked on it quite a bit. I worked with screen-writer John Sayles
on it. There were several versions of a script at Fox but none of
them were the right one. There was a challenge of getting story just
right as far as what events to include, what to leave out, and what
order to tell them. Currently I have the rights back and I’m
fielding offers looking for the right home for Kabuki and the
director with the right vision.
Besides the film, what other projects are you currently working on?
I’m following The Shy Creatures with some more children’s books.
I have five of them in the works right now. The brand new Kabuki
story from Marvel entitled "The Alchemy" was recently completed and is
now in Hardcover collection with the art in The Alchemy traveling art
show. And the paperback for this was just released from Marvel last
month. Next year from Marvel brings my adaptation of Sci-Fi author
Philip K. Dick (Bladerunner). The story is called Electric Ant. I
was recruited by the Dick Estate and I’ve been working directly
with PKD’s daughters on the project. I believe the original
painting for the cover of the first issue is in this gallery show.
2010 also brings from Marvel my latest Daredevil story called
Daredevil: End Of Days. I’m writing with Brian Bendis and the art
is by Klaus Jansen and Bill Sienkiewicz.
A little industry-wise, what are your thoughts on the state of
comics today?
I love that so many types of stories and creative approaches are
vital today. So many different kinds of creators and readerships for
that. I’m thankful for that. Asterios Polyp by David Mazzuchelli
was my favorite book of the year.
Is there anything you feel could be done to make them bigger or
As far as bigger goes, comics are pretty mainstream right now. The
biggest films are comic book related. And I like that films are being
adapted from the very personal indi-comics as well, not just super
heroes. As far as better, the more personal and heart that is put
into a book, the better it is. That means, don’t make a comic just
because you are making it as a film pitch. Make something that you
have to make because you have to tell this story and it has never
been done before. That is where this medium excels. You can do
anything you want in this medium. Experiment. Tell that personal
story in the way that only you can do it.
Who are some writers and artists you recommend people check out in
comics today?
I recommend Paul Pope, Brian Bendis’ work (make sure you try his
indy stuff too- Brian’s crime stories and personal works), Oeming’s
work on Powers, Eric Cannette, Ming Doyle, Dash Shaw, Ivan Brunetti,
Joe Matt, Craig Thompson, Jim Mahfood, Kent Williams, Barron Storey,
Josh Hagler…
What can we expect from you the rest of the year?
For 2009, this SLC Library event and signing at Night Flight books
is my last signing event of the year. The new Kabuki: The Alchemy
just came out in paperback. In early 2010 there is a big hardcover
artbook collection of my paintings and Reflections art books.
Is there anything you'd like to plug or promote?
Check out this extensive site about my work:
You can find me on Twitter, Facebook, and MySpace. I sent updates
there that let you know what I have cooking.