in here as we near the end of the season, I've been getting quite a
number of shows in. The Subrosa/Old Timer one was fantastic, good to
see them back in action. Plenty of photos from Burt's Tiki Lounge to
share, like this one!

--- Also this past Thursday I got to sit in
on The Awkward Hour podcast with Brian Staker. Sitting in my house,
having drinks, and chatting... for nearly four hours! Have no idea
what the final episode will sound like, but I've heard the whole
thing and its interesting to say the least as Brian gets most of the
conversation in. Look for that episode this week! In the meantime,
here's a picture of Brian in my living room during the show.

end of the year is quickly approaching us, and the final interviews
from 2008 are coming. And what's more, I have no idea what order
they'll be in! Check out interviews from IAO Projects, Eat Sleep
Play, Exigent Records, The Rock Salt and more as we head into 2009.
And it two weeks time, some reflection and a milestone to

Also I'm now posting dates for Monk's in Salt
Lake City, as well as Rumors up in Ogden. The calendar will be
updated sometime over the later half of the week for most of January,
but in the meantime for those of you with no plans for special days
the next two weeks there are several events posted for days around
and after Christmas, as well as TONS of New Year festivities. And
don't feel bad if you haven't made plans, because even I have no idea
what I'll be doing that night. As always, we'll see what happens.