One of the
largest bookstores in the United States sits right on Main Street in the heart
of Salt Lake City. But you already new that because its been around for almost
eighty years.
--- Sam Weller's Zion Bookstore has been providing the city and to an extent
most of Utah a source for rare and hard to find books since 1929, seeing a few
location changes, one fire, and three different Wellers leading the store. Not
to mention surviving every local and national change from the Great Depression
to today. Along the way becoming one of the main cultural centers for the state
and a leading local business against chain stores, maintaining their rare
collection while changing over the decades to meet the market. I got the
opportunity to chat with Tony Weller inside the rare books section about the
store, growing up there, taking charge and a number of other topics. Not to
mention a tour of the place for some photos and an awesome history lesson of the store from Tony himself.
Tony Weller
Gavin: Hey Tony. First off, tell us a little bit about yourself.
Tony: I'm a bookseller, been in a bookstore my whole life, third in my
family to do this. I was born in 1962, only child, as a kid I was small. Did
well in math and science, became a ferocious athlete in my teens and competed
in basketball and track despite my small size. I was in to rock n' roll when I
was five years old, I got my first Beatles album even though my parents didn't
care for that kind of music, but somehow my dad came home with “Meet The
Beatles.” Plugged into punk rock when I was a teenager, spent a lot of years
being a wild punk rocker boy. Went to college for eight years, never graduated
because I think the book business made me a bit schizophrenic in my interests.
Took a lot of courses in a lot of different departments and never really
graduated. Wish I had but I learned a few things.
Gavin: What kind of courses did you take in college?
Tony: Those credits were mainly chalked up in the art department,
English, French and Philosophy. Although I did take one dance class, one
linguistics class, one accounting class and one theater class. I was around a
bit. I wasn't very good at art, I had an art spirit but I really made a 180
degree personality change when I was about eighteen when I used to be involved
in computers, art, math and science, but when I was a senior I lost my
fascination with it and decided literature and art were much more interesting.
I quit doing competitive sports and spent much more time dancing and playing
hacky sack and hiking.
Gavin: I understand you use dice to make choices?
Tony: I roll dice to make decisions, I'm very analytical and I fear I'd
be very incapacitated in my tenancies if I hadn't discovered dice as a decision
making method in elementary school. I discovered it in the early 70's without
any knowledge of role-playing games. And about a decade later I discovered a
book by Luke Rhinehart called The Dice man written in 1971, about a guy who
rolls dice to make decisions. Rhinehart wrote several books about dice living
that are sort of how-to books and how it's useful. I carry four of them which
allow me to manipulate 1296 options, and when I roll dice it gives me bad
options just as many times as it gives me good options.
Gavin: What was the experience like growing up in the store?
Tony: Well it seemed normal for most of my life, but of course I think
every kid thinks their life is normal and everyone else has weird lives. Being
the only child I was communicated with more on an adult level so I read early
and communicated well. I was kind of wimpy in my early childhood experiences
since I grew up around adults I didn't know how mean kids could be. The
viciousness of children really shocked me when I started going to school. But I
remember being really shy and quiet, and wondered over and over why the people
around me weren't nicer and weren't open minded and were so opinionated but
seemed to know so little. I've always found arrogance and ignorance in the same
package to be a terrible combination of traits and young people are frequently
guilty of it, they know so much but know so little. Bookstores in the 60's
attracted educated liberal minded people, and I mistook them for ordinary
people so it tended to shape my impression of humanity in a way that couldn't
help to be wrong. I thought all people were more open minded and had
free-wheeling discussions about anything. When I got out into the world my three
main communities were my schools, my church and my parents business, and I'm
afraid it was the business that seemed like the most enlightened environment,
and it was at church and school where I learned racial and sexist slurs. So I
started to see this difference where the book people seemed so cool and
enlightened and then I'd go out into the public and people would seem so mean
and stupid.
Gavin: How did you eventually come to work on the store and run it?
Tony: I've worked in the store since the 70's, gradually increased
responsibilities all along, nothing very notable just regular worker stuff. In
1982 we had lost an old-time bookkeeper in the office, and it had come on the
heels of me acing the accounting course that I had taken at the university, so
my dad shoved me into bookkeeping for a couple of years. Then I moved to
Gavin: Was it difficult taking over when he had to quit?
Tony: The second time not so much, the first time was more difficult
because I wasn't yet ready for it. I was inexperienced and had some ideals that
were naive. Because of books I had become peculiar and different than the
people I grew up with. Books opens door to people from every period and every
country and every persuasion, so you read more books and it opens the potential
for the human. And so this anarchism and suspicion of capitalism made taking
over the business pretty challenging for me. I had lost my faith in most
authorities, and so to assume the role of an authority I found to be a real
philosophical conundrum. And I figured I'd be really candid about that and
invite them into the process, but I wasn't short on ideas and if I needed ideas
I knew how to get them. So I felt like we knew what we should do, but my
disrespect for authority had me thinking I can't just tell the staff what to
do, they need to be a part of it. So we had a lot of pot luck dinners and
brainstorming sessions and played with democratic principals in the workplace
and team-based management, but they didn't work out so well. I realized that
for all of my love for my staff, that some of them just weren't visionary or
motivated, and for all of their good traits they weren't people who would
envision amazing futures. Some of them were content with coming to work, doing
their job, and going home at night. And over the years I've come to the
realization that it is foolish to collaborate with everyone, because even
though I believe in equality we are all different. So now I'm more in the
mindset or coordinating people into their best rolls than attempting to have
everyone behave like equals.
Gavin: So how does it differ from when you first took over to now?
Tony: I had some early struggling years trying to manage it, but now
we're much more traditional. We solicit more feedback than my dad did when he
was running the place and it is a much more collaborative environment. For
instance Sam did everything by himself, Sam knew what was right and he told
people what to do. We have weekly management meetings where there are five of
us who each have different responsibilities and we discuss them. So it isn't a
democracy, but it's certainly more a group effort than it was under my dad's
leadership when it was more authoritarian.
Gavin: What was it like sitting through the Beautification Project in
the 80's?
Tony: Oh it was tough, it bankrupted a lot of businesses in the
neighborhood, as did the lightrail construction did later on. It hurt us most
certainly, and I think at that time Jake Garn was as tuned to the community as
Deedee Corradini was a few years later. The people on the street had ideas
about how things could work better and to a large degree were ignored. And
that's frustrating because parking really hurts us down here, and it's not that
there's too little parking it's that
Gavin: Going back a bit, in 72' the store suffered a major fire. What was
that experience like?
Tony: I think it's fair to say that up until that time I thought Sam
Weller was a type of demigod. He was the most powerful man I'd ever known, he
seemed to be respected by everyone and he never quit, my dad's a fighter. He's
a Depression Era kid, and immigrant kid who was picked on all through his
youth, grew up in a large and poor family living through the Depression, fought
in WWII and came back, lived in the bookstore... he's a tough guy. But when the
bookstore burned all night long and virtually destroyed the family business, it
was the first time I'd ever seen the guy cry. And he didn't cry until the fire
marshal said he could not re-enter the building, because while it burned he and
other staff members were rushing in and out hauling the most valuable books
they could find in the areas that weren't in trouble, racing to cars and
throwing things in trunks and back seats just to rescue what could be rescued
because it was clearly a bad fire. But there was one point where the fire
marshal said he couldn't go back in and were afraid the building would collapse
and they weren't going to lose him in there. And that's when my dad had his
meltdown and it was the first time I realized he wasn't Superman.
Gavin: Are there any areas still around from the fire?
Tony: Oh yeah, there are rooms upstairs that haven't been treated much
since then. But I remember being there as a ten year-old with an eleven
year-old who was the son of another worker here, standing behind the barricades
watching the building burn and our dads running in and out. We knew this block
like our homes because we practically lived here, so we wandered down the
street and sat in The King Joy Cafe which was down the street at the time,
called our moms to tell them what was happening. They had sent me home at about
4AM in a police car because Sam was staying to watch the whole tragedy. He was
driving home with one of my favorite former staff members covered in soot and
just tired from hauling books out, and before Sam got home driving out of
downtown with the store smoldering, he's pulling over at every address he sees
with a vacant building and a sign on the front. He hadn't even gone to bed yet
and he was scoping out a new location. I admire my dad for this kind of
fortitude, if there's anything I learned from that man it's not to quit in the
face of adversity. I think that skill might do me well right now. But we moved
Gavin: Aside from the coffee shop, have there been any big changes in the
store over the past decade?
Tony: Well we've expanded a couple times which seems really foolish now,
since we're trying to scale back due to the economic state of affairs. We
brought in The Coffee Garden and we love having them here. We brought in the
Scrub Oak Bindery upstairs, they do fine hand bindery and book restoration.
That's part of my vision of using our property to create a symbiotic family of
businesses here on
Gavin: On the inventory, do you keep everything that comes your way or
do you exchange and toss stuff out?
Tony: Well we don't buy everything that is offered to us, I was trained
to do it that way but as the bigger corporations started to glut the
marketplace with even more product we found we just couldn't buy everything
that came our way. So over the years we've become really more selective in our
buying, but it hasn't reduced the inventory because there are more books out
there to be bought. But it does mean that people who buy common stuff or take
poor care of their books are annoyed with us now because the more cared for and
selective titles are the ones that receive offers. If you bought it at the
grocery store and beat it up, I promise you can't donate it to me. Sections
also become too crowded and we pick the oldest and least desirable material and
it can go to either our bargain rooms, or if it's not as common we'll price it
cheaper and give it a few more years on the shelf. The buyers are the only
people who make those decisions, not the staff.
Gavin: If someone wants a specific book are you able to get it?
Tony: Usually because if we don't have it we will order what is
available to be ordered. We also do out-of-print searches but then it becomes
of of a question of cost. There's some books that are rare in the truest sense
of the word rare, which means not expensive it just means you can't find it. So
it wouldn't matter if you were a multi-billionaire you couldn't have it because
you couldn't locate it. There are books that are rare but inexpensive because
no one cares about them and there's not much occasion to talk about those or
they're not very interesting. But we will go out and search for books for
people if they want something that they can't find. If we can't find it we also
have a request file where we file away names of things we couldn't locate.
Gavin: A little state-wide, what are your thoughts on the local literary
scene, both good and bad?
Tony: I mostly know it from a book buyer's perspective. I think its fair
to say that since I became a father that I don't get out. I love the idea that
we have a poetry slam scene, makes me very happy, but I don't attend poetry
slams because I don't have time to participate or enjoy those things. We have a
lot of readings going on in the city these days, some of it I'm a little
cynical about because I think publicists have decided that reading tours are
great publicity tools. I disagree, I think they're great tools to increase your
market if you're already recognized, but if people don't know your name it
would be better to have an interview on the radio or something in the newspaper
than to be in a bookstore where people will walk by and say “...Who?” I love
the Dewey Decimal Series that the library is doing, they're bringing some
amazing writers and thinkers to town. And the Westminster Poetry Series have
also been very successful in bringing notable poets to
Gavin: Any changes in what people have been buying in rare books?
Tony: A more frustrating thing we've seen in the post-internet era is a
changing in collectors spirits. It used to be bibliophiles who chose to collect
rare books and they'd focus with interest. Now we seem to have a group of
high-rollers who buy books for boasting rights rather than an intellectual
reasons. In the old days a guy might like Jack London and he would want all of
his books and his goal would be to have a first edition of each in his
collection. Now you'll find the collector who only wants Call Of The Wild,
and then he wants The Old Man & The Sea and Atlas Shrugged
and The Hobbit. So he wants the high points. But you don't see the more
focused collectors which has tended to drive the price of those high points
very high and the rest of the works very low in the internet era. So I'd say
about 90% of books went down in value with the internet.
Gavin: On local writers, do you have any favorites that you enjoy?
Tony: I was extremely fond of Ellen Malloy who died prematurely a few
years ago. Terry Tempest Williams, everyone loves Terry, she worked here in the
70's and we consider her a friend. I see Will Bagley quite frequently. I like
Will and his no holds barred honesty about history and his willingness to make
assertions about things, I like his outspoken nature. I consider Michael Quinn
a friend, he doesn't live here now, author of The Mormon Hierarchy and A
Biography Of J. Ruben Clark and Early Mormonism & The Magic World View. Of
course we're thrilled we have local stardom in Stephanie Meyer with her vampire
series. My daughter is more affectionate towards that than I, it was a little
too teen girl for me, but I think it's really neat that she's done so well. We
have family storytime every night and we've been doing that all eleven years of
her life and I hope to continue doing that with her until she's no longer in
our house. Brian Evanson is no longer local but I loved his first book Altmann's
Tongue, what a creepy writer he is. Alex Caldiero, can't forget Alex, he's
like a spiritual companion of mine, we think the same things at the same
moment, it's really weird. He does really riveting presentations of poetry and
art. Brigham Madson was a really sweet guy, what a gentlemen. Leonard Arrington
was also a great guy. Wallace Stegner, I was a little too young to pay as much
attention as I might have, but my mom and dad were friends with him and spent
some time around him as a kid, he was a sweet man.
Gavin: How do you view yourself and other local stores holding up
against bigger chains?
Tony: Well I know they all struggle. I've been involved with Vest Pocket
and Local First Utah and consider myself an opponent of publicly traded
corporate retail outfits. I feel I've studied the principals of local economics
and find no flaws in the theories and think that every community would be
better off if we just restored all services to local citizens. I see no
advantages, in fact I see distinct disadvantages to permitting the kind of
corporate colonization that is represented by places like Walmart, McDonalds, Starbucks,
Barnes & Nobel. I'm very much against such things. I would not want every
town to have its own automaker, I suspect that the quality would suffer and
that there are efficiencies gained by having centralized auto manufacturing. I
cannot figure out what is gained by having corporate chains create hamburgers
for me. I think local people can do that.
Gavin: Do you view other local stores like Ken Sanders and King's
English as competition or as comrades?
Tony: Something in the middle. We do compete and when you're in a
situation where there just isn't enough business to go around, it is a little
harder to feel the comradery towards those who are in our field. But we're
friendly to both stores and they're friendly to us and we refer custmers to
each other's businesses. But there have been times where we've wanted an author
event and every store knows you just can't send an author to every store in
town and have it be profitable, sometimes one event is all that can be held in
a community. And if it goes to another store rather than ours, yeah, it stings.
But I'm sure the same has happened to them on occasion. With Ken we're usually
competing over the same libraries when we're purchasing or selling books. We're
all friendly but we do compete over the same market. But I would much rather
loose a sale to either of those stores than Barnes & Nobel or Amazon,
because even though it doesn't help my store as much it does help the
community. A dollar spent at either of them is better for
Gavin: Do you feel like books are going in decline from online
publishing, or will there always be an audience for a handheld copy?
Tony: Both. And I've thought about this extensively for about two
decades, I'm sure now things I was predicting almost twenty years ago are
becoming true today. The book market is shrinking and will continue shrinking,
but it won't disappear. I think it will be divided along the lines of use. If
you want something in-depth and enduring, the book is probably going to remain
superior to the computer. But if you want it briefly, if you don't need 400
recipes you only need one, or if you have something that needs to be updated
frequently, those things will gravitate more toward computer technologies. Its
hard to imagine how the computer is going to outdo the simple novel that can be
bought for six bucks can carried around in a bag and the batteries never die
and it never malfunctions and is there when you need it. If you live in
Gavin: I've had discussions about people bringing in a USB drive and
downloading the books right there upon purchase.
Tony: Yeah, but I still wonder. I like my iPod but most of the music in
my iTunes file is from CD's. One day we had a bad, bad problem with our
computer and all of my playlists disappeared. And the things I had bought
online were gone, the things I had copied from CD I could copy again. And in
that regard there's something to the permanency of the book, that I have books
here that are 500 years old, and if they're written in English I can still
access data in those books. But you can't find a computer and the software that
can read the encoding of software that was written ten years ago. So that is
something to consider.
Gavin: What can we expect from the store over the next year?
Tony: Damned good question! I don't know, we're honestly nervous about
the economics. We already reduced our staff by a third over the past nine
months, we have not laid off a single person. But we are conceiving of a
smaller store, trying to move some sections out of the basement so we can run a
smaller facility until we can find that exact balancing point in books because
we're a little top heavy with labor and inventory for the current marketplace.
In parallel to that it is my hope that I am pursuing the only way a poor
creative guy knows how is to find other symbiotic businesses like Coffee Garden
or Scrub Oak who might enjoy doing business near us, and because our share of
this building is paid for we believe we can offer a cheaper subleases in the
building than most people in this neighborhood. So I hope I can find a few more
local businesses, but don't have any takers yet.
Gavin: Is there anything you'd like to plug or promote?
Tony: We have the largest selection of new and used books in the
community and I think especially now where people are hurting for money that
books provide a really good value for the investment. You get far more time out
of a book than you do out of a video or CD, not to mention the intellectual
benefits of reading that psychologists have studied inside out and no one
disagrees yet that nothing does more for the development of one's brain,
intellect and cognitive skills than reading. You get more by reading a book
from a genius than talking to that same genius because in the book the ideas
can be real organized. We have a lot of second-hand books that look almost brand
new and remarkably unused for used book prices. Great time to buy used books,
they're cheaper than ever!