old adage goes “the first year is always the hardest.” ...The
hell you say.---

Somehow, someway, with nothing more than a
recorder and a camera, sitting in the deepest and darkest corner of
the website, with no promotion outside of my own yelling and public
word-of-mouth and random linkage, no sponsorship to speak of, several
individuals I can't name not liking it, and without earning a dime
off it... this blog survived one whole year. And believe me, I'm not
the only one who is shocked. Its not my intention to gloat over the
idea or make this sound like a list of complaints, but after about a
year of listening to specific people randomly tell you its a waste of
time, it will never make you a “writer”, and even going so far as
to say that allowing it to continue is a mistake and should be
canceled survive this long in that kind of climate is a victory
unto itself.

I started this thing not knowing if it was going
to make it past three months. I had a few individuals tell me that
it was pointless to do and there wasn't an audience big enough for it
to work. But at the same time I had others who encouraged the idea
citing that no local station had tried this before and the only way
we'd know if it would be a success if it we gave it a shot. In the
process I got to talk to a lot of very awesome people, take some
pictures of our scene in action, watched a lot of events unfold both
culturally and politically, and with any luck helped make our local
entertainment scene more predominant and influential upon the state.

I thought about doing a
recap of everything I've done and seen over the past year, maybe a
photo montage of the 6700 pictures I've taken this year, hit the
highlights of it all and a playlist of my favorite bands, and wrap it
all up in a nice little bow. But you know what... that isn't me. And
I know you don't want to read all these stories when you yourself can
go back and look over everything from the past twelve months. So
instead, a look into what's hanging in my house. The majority of these photos
you see are collages I've made of things I've collected. Postcards,
miniposters, tickets, passes, stickers, business cards, booklets, program guides, and other
random material I've gathered all through 2008. This isn't all of
them, just a sampling of what's hanging up on my wall, a nice
reminder of the fun I've had and will continue to have as long as I

was going to type up a list of “Thank You” notices, but man, was
that a long list off the top of my head. And I probably would have
forgotten someone along the way, which would have started a “thing”
which would have sucked. So a giant thank you to everyone whether
you're a reader, a participant, a supporter, a stalker or a
co-conspirator... thank you! And to those of you who got lost in the website and
quickly became offended that this thing exists, I make no apologies
and if you really want something more safe to read, Mike Headrick's blog can be found

As a present to
those of you who have stuck around for a long while, I've started
going back and revamping the photos to the interviews from the first
five months of this blog. No, I'm not pulling a “Lucas” and
cutting out material I don't like and adding in computer animated
performances as I remember them, the first few months I had many
issues with this server and one of those was posting pictures, you
only had a couple sizes to pick from. But after an update I was able
to make photos bigger! So now I'm able to go back and fix those
pieces to appear more in the style I post now. Currently only
January and February interviews have been fixed up, and I will be
getting to the rest in weeks to come, so enjoy!

update you on what's ahead and other things, but not today. Today...
I get to sit back and relax. I'll pick up where I left off on Monday.
Thank you for your support, and as always, we'll see what happens