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Next week, that is. By popular demand, Sudoku is returning to the print edition of City Weekly--which has to sting the cartoonists behind No Exit and Rizzo, which were also cut a few weeks ago ... and no one even noticed/cared. It's not just any Sudoku, either: Sudoku X, which doesn't stand for Xtreme.
British-born mystery writer Peter Robinson will be visiting The King's English Bookshop the evening of Monday, March 2 at 7 p.m. to sign the 18th book in his Inspector Alan Banks series, All the Colors of Darkness. And we can hook you up with a copy for the author to sign.
Three good reasons to tune into KRCL on this fine Friday. Touring bands Jessica Lea Mayfield and North Carolina's Annuals (the group responsible for Band of Annuals name change) will be stopping by the studio at 3 p.m. to give a live performance/sneak preview of their Kilby Court show.
We're all feeling the economic pinch, and local arts organizations are no different. Staffs are being reorganized, and performing groups are arranging their seasons with an eye toward maximizing their audience.
While everyone else is busy catching up with the movies that won the Oscars last weekend, why not engage in a little counter-programming and catch up with the movies that lost? You know, in other words, the movies that are actually good.