Was this a 4th of July celebration or a David Copperfield stunt?
Here we are a full week after the Stadium of Fire celebrations and we are finding out that the very moving and emotional burning of a giant flag during the ceremonies was just a phoney stunt. What is so bizarre about this whole fiasco is that the promoters of the LaVell Edwards Stadium event knew months in advance that they could not actually retire this 155-by-90 foot flag in the traditional fashion which is burning it. The Fire Marshall told the promoters that it would be impossible to burn this amount of nylon without spewing out enough toxins in the air to wipe out the entire crowd.
To pretend to actually commit the flag to a cauldron type container and then have flames seemingly consume it all while crazy host, Glenn Beck teared up and fanned the flames of patriotism in the crowd by proclaiming what a special ceremony they were witnessing was all a bold face lie. The questions that have not been answered is did Beck know that the ceremony was fake? Why didn't the promoters simply devise another way of presenting the flag and announce that it would be retired in another place that was safe to do so and just pay respect to the flag before simply removing it from the stadium?
The truth is so much easier to deal with than deception because truth doesn't need to be explained.....it's the truth! If you don't believe me just listen to the ongoing soap opera of Sarah Palin and why she is quitting, (I'm not a quitter, I'm a fighter), her job as Governor of Alaska. All the interviews with Sarah are like watching "Family Feud". Lots of words and no substance or answers. Maybe next year the Producers of Stadium of Fire can get Sarah to host. Now that would be fun to watch.