MORMONS are what? | Buzz Blog

Monday, August 3, 2009

MORMONS are what?

Posted By on August 3, 2009, 3:52 PM

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Shocked.....that's what I am I'm telling you, SHOCKED!---

They just published a Pew Center for Religion and Politics,  "A Portrait of Mormons in the U.S.,"  When I read the headline I about spit all my Sanka over the Deseret News almost ruining the scrap booking project on the other side of the table.  The only thing that saved this catastrophy from happening is the Sanka hit a Draper Temple commerotive hand painted in China plate sitting in it's little fake gold plated stand made of lead.

According to this lengthy study that must have cost tens if not hundreds of dollars to create, they discovered that Mormons are more likely than other people of faith to lean toward the GOP! Have they never heard of Cal Rampton or Scott Matheson?

This research must be faulty as having lived in this "Fair and Balanced" state for 38 years I have never detected a bit of bias toward anything but goodness, honesty, truth, loyalty. patriotism and a deep ceded desire to vote and elect nothing but the absolute best Ward member to whatever office their running for.  How could the Pew people claim that we Utahns have a bias bone in our garmets?

If Pew is so through in their study how do you explain Rocky Anderson and Jim Matheson?  Utah is not in the pocket of any party, I'd stake my stake on it.

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Tom Barberi

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