The list is short but strong, like a shot of espresso or that dude from Fantasy Island… ---
• Tom Brady is back from his injury of last season, so the media’s slurp-fest of the golden boy can return to it’s borderline inappropriate fever pitch.
• I call him “Goldypants” but everyone else calls him “TO.” Terrell Owens starts his new career in Buffalo. Which means the kooky antics of Terrell Owens’ new career in Buffalo start tonight as well.
• Double header baby! Pats vs Buffalo @ 5pm and the Raiders vs the San Diego Super Chargers @ 8:15. Both games on ESPN. If you can manage to screw around for the last hour of the day, you don’t have to get back to reality until tomorrow morning.
• While watching the highest rated Monday night program for the last 40 years, you can click over to the new Jay Leno show and ask yourself what marketing genius put his new show debut up against the Monday Night Football season opening double header.
Even Jay is going to watch football.