Forgive Charlie Manson | Buzz Blog

Monday, September 21, 2009

Forgive Charlie Manson

Posted By on September 21, 2009, 9:25 AM

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As I watched the movie The Informant!, I contemplated Charlie Manson. ---

Mr. Helter Skelter himself.

Bloody walls, and all.

There's not much difference between Matt Damon's corporate crook of a character and the maniacal Manson.

Mental illness manifests itself in a million ways. One guy conspires to build up Caribbean bank accounts. The other calls his cup of tea murder.

For every one of those guys, there are thousands upon thousands more who simply slip past society on their way to the sewer.

Occasionally, one of these gents with a scruffy beard emerges onto the sidewalk to sweet talk some prissy missy with pricey boobs out of her spare change.

That's life. It's called Natalie Merchant's Carnival.

And that's why I forgive Charlie Manson. Not because I think God wants me to forgive him.

If God exists, and I ever get to meet him, my first question will be: Why did you create so many crazy people?

I'd also like to know why he decided to make shit smell the way it does. But we can save that for question No. 2.

I forgive Charlie Manson because I know nobody can ever help him. The boy was born doomed. I'm not saying he had to resort to bloodshed.

I'm simply saying Charlie Manson was never going to be "OK."

The most merciful thing that ever could have happened would have been for Charlie Manson to die in his sleep. At a very young age.

When you look into Mr. Manson's eyes, you can clearly see he's crazy.

But if you see some guy with a bunch of bling (like the man Matt Damon plays), you're less likely to notice his mental illness.

For whatever weird reason, we choose to equate making money with having your shit together.

It's the trashiest, crappiest piece of unrefined rubbish ever.

The truth? You want the truth? We're all crazy. The only difference between you and me and Charlie Manson and Matt Damon's character and the drunken dude on the street is a matter of degree. A very small degree.

So, the next time you see a homeless guy, give him a big high five. I bet that doesn't happen very often.

Have you ever known anybody with a mental illness? What was the best way for them to manage their illness?

Movie review for The Informant!

40th Anniversary of the Charles Manson Murders (

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