At least on my block, I must be scarier because I didn't get a single trick or treater at my door---
The fact that I kept the all the lights off and strung police tape across the driveway may have had something to do with it. Bottom line, I get to keep all the candy that my wife bought.
On the other hand you have to wonder just how scary Governor Gary Herbert is in order to scare enough people to cough up a million bucks to share some rubber chicken and red punch at his fundraiser the other night. In political history, nobody in Utah has made that big a haul with the exception of Mitt Romney. Of course you have to remember that Mitt was the chosen one who as going to save the Constitution as it hangs by a thread. Then something happened to Mitt. He forgot all the crap he told the people of Massachusetts to get elected Governor there when he ran for President.
Meanwhile Governor Herbert managed to squeeze a $1 million bucks from the deep pockets in Utah giving them a line of bulllshit that would make Dick Cheney proud. According to the reports Herbert said that he and his supporters shared a common vision for better days for the state, despite the current difficulties. O. K. Gary....just what are these visions that you and your well heeled supporters have? It certainly not the expansion of the economy and certain business's as you have stated unequivically that you didn't want the subject of alcohol brought up during your training-wheel period before the 2010 election as it might make your supporters nervous.
One of the biggest economic forces for growth is the ability for the hospitality industry to expand with the growth of cities and towns but your current moritorium on liquor license expansion goes directly against economic growth. So while you count your loot continue to live in your red punch dream land while would-be investors and busiiness's go elsewhere.