The 2003 documentary The Yes Men introduced the world to anti-corporate pranksters Andy Bichlbaum and Mike Bonnano, who pose as business and government spokespeople for the purpose of delivering absurdly satirical speeches and presentations. Their adventures continue in The Yes Men Fix the World, opening at Salt Lake City's Broadway Centre on Friday -- and you can ask a real live Yes Man all about why they do what they do. ---
Bichlbaum -- pictured at a conference for post-Katrina rebuilding efforts, where he passed himself off as a HUD official -- is scheduled to join the audience at the 7:30 p.m. show on Friday, Nov. 13 for a Q&A session after the film. Find out what it was like to appear on the BBC as a Dow Chemicals talking-head, and deliver a stunner of an announcement that caused the company's stock to plummet. Just say "Yes."