Salt Lake City Weekly

Jason Chaffetz...poster boy for term limits

Tom Barberi Nov 18, 2009 13:01 PM

Just what was Rep. Jason Chaffetz doing talking with the bottom feeders from

Chaffetz apparently has never seen a microphone or camera that he didn't love.  That can be the only explaination why he talked with the people in the first place.  To ad the real spice to the story Chaffetz offered that former Miss California, Carrie, (want to see my family values sex tape?), Prejean should run for political office!  WHT?

Chaffetz has since backpeddled and said that they didn't accuratly quote him and has been trying to clarify his comments about Carrie, (I hate Larry King) Prejean.  Chaffetz said that Prejean could be a serious contender in the political arena.  He said that she "has the ability to draw crowds and if she has a strong message to go with that, who know what she can do? She has star power which can open doors".

This twit wouldn't or couldn't answer questions from Larry King and she could be in politics???  She was on King to promote her book and didn't have the brains to play along with King to do that and just took off her microphone and left the show after King asked why she dropped her lawsuit against pagent officials and others when she got canned.  We all know it was because they had a racy tape she made for her boyfriend when she was 17 and didn't want it released. 

Chaffetz was quoted by the TMZ people that he thought Prejean had the ability to open doors and could make it in the political arena.  I am supposing that he thinks she could go into politics because, well, if he could get elected...anybody could get elected.  I'm still hoping for a Palin/Prejean ticket in 2012. All they would need for the debates would be brass poles and they would wipe out the competetion.

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