It's official....THE TERRORISTS HAVE WON! | Buzz Blog

Thursday, January 7, 2010


Posted By on January 7, 2010, 5:32 PM

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Time was when someone had a pant-load, the proper response was a fresh diaper....the good ole days.---

This latest attempt to blow up an airplane by some radicalized weasel has the entire flying world going nuts.  Come to think of it thats what the threat was....this nut job trying to blow up his nuts.  He was trying to set off a bomb that was in his under pants.  His ineptness only caused his nuts to catch fire.  The material he was using was a very serious explosive, but he was no better at lighting this stuff up than the original "shoe bomber" Richard Reed.  I'll never forget Reed after seeing his mug shot.  His face screamed TERRORIST-WHACK-JOB.  Because of Reed the flying public has had to take off their shoes, dump all their shampoo, conditioner, shaving cream, tooth paste, after shave, perfume, jock itch ointment ad nauseam.  What now.....have everyone drop trow?  Now when the TSA screener asks, "boxers or briefs", they will want to see.  The indignities just keep coming for anybody who needs to travel by plane.  The technology is there for the full body scans that would supposedly have revealed the nut-sack bomber as a threat, but our very own Rep. Jason Chaffetz is going crazy over this type of screening as too invasive.  Well, it is, but the only other alternative would be having everyone fly naked. 

What makes this story so goofy is that this would be suicide bomber's own father went to the U.S. Embassy and told them that his son was bonkers.  What did our intelligence corps do..........nothing.  I give up.

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Tom Barberi

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