Welcome to the 'Mormon Musical' Party, Media | Buzz Blog

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Welcome to the 'Mormon Musical' Party, Media

Posted By on April 15, 2010, 3:39 PM

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When I wrote about South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone's plans to create a Mormon musical for Broadway two years ago, no one gave a shit. --- Now, when it's announced that Mormon Musical is going to open in 2011, suddenly it's capital-N News. 

In 2008, when a City Weekly column called Frost Bytes (yes, it was a clever title) still existed, I hacked out a blurb about Parker & Stone beginning initial work with Avenue Q creatives on a musical that would likely resemble the funny-and-surprisingly-factual "All About the Mormons" episode of South Park from 2003. I'd link it, but damned if I can find that particular column on the search adventure that is CityWeekly.net. Word of the musical circulated in New York throughout 2009, as well, so it's not like this is some kind of blindside announcement.

So now that word comes that Mormon Musical is going to open next March, the local media suddenly jumps all over it--the same day that South Park premieres its landmark 200th episode (with a guest appearance by "Super Friend" Joseph Smith, no less). Coincidence? Slow headline day? Behold the Old News:

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