CNN sues Lehi man | Buzz Blog

Friday, April 16, 2010

CNN sues Lehi man

Posted By on April 16, 2010, 9:01 PM

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Robert Paisola must be happy. The Lehi man whom I profiled in City Weekly three years ago in has recently been the subject of a slew of stories about him being sued by media giant CNN for passing himself of as a CNN hack.---

Paisola enjoys publicity. Indeed the felon, sex offender and alleged cybersquatter revels in it and does his best through the internet to generate attention. His website pics of him with messrs Bennett, Shurtleff et al are classic sketches of Utah's very own Walter Mitty, albeit seen through a glass darkly.

Look at his website, and you get a taste of a world that is uniquely his own. Sadly I missed a rant Paisola put up and then took down on You-tube, according to one seasoned Paisola-watcher, about the CNN suit filed April 7 in an Atlanta court. Perhaps he is finally learning the age old wisdom that silence can indeed be golden.

When I did the story three years ago, I contacted CNN seeking comment on Paisola claiming to be a CNN journalist. They weren't aware of him at the time. Subsequently Paisola jumped on the iReporter band wagon, part of CNN's attempt to encourage viewer involvement in news production.

I called and e-mailed Paisola for comment on the CNN lawsuit with no response. I plan to do an update in the next few weeks. So Robert, if you're out there, and not in Las Vegas, Mexico or Hawaii as you say you are when we've talked on the phone before, get in touch.

We should talk.

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