Brain Tumor Awareness Month Fundraiser | Buzz Blog

Friday, April 30, 2010

Brain Tumor Awareness Month Fundraiser

Posted By on April 30, 2010, 10:54 AM

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May is Brain Tumor Awareness Month, and Channing Hall Charter School is fundraising for the cause.---

Tomas Hollenbach, an 8-year-old student at the school, was diagnosed in February with an inoperable tumor on his brain stem. After going through 6 weeks of treatment, his tumor has shrunk but Hollenbach and his family are burdened with many medical expenses that Channing Hall is working to help with, using funds donated from those who appreciate the Hollenbach and his parents' strength throughout the ordeal.

There are a few of things the school is doing to raise money for the family:

Inspire Hope, Take Action: Support Brain Tumor Awareness Month. T-shirts emblazoned with this phrase will be sold at Channing Hall beginning May 5.

Tomas Hollenbach Charitable Account at America First Bank. Anyone can make a donation to Account #9040718.

Finally, Channing Hall is holding a raffle and yard sale at the school on May 22nd. They're still looking for raffle items from local businesses, so if you or anyone you know would be willing to make a donation during National Brain Tumor Awareness Month, don't hesitate.

Most of us are lucky enough not to be affected by brain tumors. We don't even think about something like this happening until it does- which is exemplified by FUTURE Brain Cancer Institute closing its doors in 2008 because of lack of funding. It seems that Utahns may be especially oblivious to this issue affecting over 600,000 people in the U.S., as we currently have no fundraising efforts for Brain Tumor Awareness, while there are annual walks in places like New York, San Francisco, even Delaware.

Appreciate how lucky you are to be unaffected by brain tumors- support Tomas Hollenbach and his family, or even go big for the cause as a whole and organize a walk by visiting the National Brain Tumor Society.

For more from City Weekly about brain trauma, check out Stephen Dark's November 4 cover article, Insult to Injury

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