KUTV 2's 5 pm News Not Kid Friendly | Buzz Blog

Friday, April 30, 2010

KUTV 2's 5 pm News Not Kid Friendly

Posted By on April 30, 2010, 3:19 PM

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Last night's Channel 2 5 pm news story fronted by Chris Jones on Roy cops killing two pit bulls was enough to give little kiddies munching on their chicken nuggets nightmares.---

While Jones explained how cops serving a warrant were confronted by two pit bulls, one of which bit an officer on the foot, an image of a dead dog lying on its side was followed by more distressing footage of a cop shoveling first animals into black plastic bags. While the animals weren't visible, inevitably the implicit nature of the images were such that they carried a more disturbing weight.  

At least one viewer rang up to complain, incensed by the callous indifference of the station to its younger viewers. The 6 pm transmission had some of the material missing. But the 10 pm story, included not only all of the 5 pm imagery but also some splendidly gory additions: blood on the driveway, more corpse footage.

Inexplicably, however, the station blurred the black bags doubling as body bags for the deceased pooches.

Which raises the age old debate about what you should and shouldn't show at tea time. I don't have dogs and my kids don't watch TV in the evening - since they get home late from school, have homework etc - but I'm pretty sure my girls would have been traumatized into nightmares if they had witnessed such questionable material.

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