Roller Derby: WRD Tryouts Saturday | Buzz Blog

Friday, April 30, 2010

Roller Derby: WRD Tryouts Saturday

Posted By on April 30, 2010, 3:48 PM

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Wanna be a family-friendly rollergirl? Salt Lake City's Wasatch Roller Derby is holding tryouts for new recruits tomorrow--here's the press release from WRD:---

Do you have what it takes to play Roller Derby? Wasatch Roller Derby (women’s league) and Uinta Madness Roller Derby (men’s league) are non-profit skater owned and operated organizations. We are currently looking for new talent to join our leagues. Do you have what it takes to roll with us? What we are looking for men and women over 18 year of age who have good skating skills, determination and the drive to be the BEST! Want to know more? Here are some FAQs about tryouts:

When are tryouts? The Wasatch Roller derby Tryouts will be held May 1st, 11am at Hollywood Connection (3217 South Decker Lake Drive, West Valley City, Utah). All participant but be 18 years of age or older. The next set of tryouts will be in the late fall of 2010 for the 2011 season.

What should I bring to tryouts? Copy of photo ID, Elbow Pads, Wrist Guards, Knee Pads, Skates, Great attitude. If you have gear and skates, bring ‘em along. If not, skate rental and some gear will be available.

What is life like after joining roller derby? Life becomes awesome! When you join roller derby you start a new chapter in your life and meet a whole new family!

If you are offered a place on the league, you have a three month probationary training. You will start skating 2 times per week. We will ask you to also skate on your own to prefect your new skills and to really concentrate on the basics - derby skating form, speed, agility and the game in general. You will be required to attend practice, join a committee, pay dues and help with any bouts and events during that time.

What can I do if I don’t feel ready to tryout for the team just yet? Keep skating. Skate every chance you get. Go to Hollywood or Classic skating. Liberty Park is a great place to skate in the summer time. Go online and research the basic skills and practice them. Join the recreation league at Hollywood Connection on Sunday mornings.

Exercise. Roller Derby practices are exhausting. They are typically 2-3 hours of non-stop moving. General strength and endurance will help you out tremendously.

Become a referee. Most leagues are happy to get more ref help. Refs often get to come to practices. You'll get to practice your skating skills, get to know other refs and skaters on the league, and you'll know your rules better than most of the skaters. This will also allow the skaters to get to know you as a person. If they like what they see, you'll have a leg up on the competition at the next tryouts.

Get involved. There are hundreds of things that need doing in a roller derby league and there are never enough bodies to do them. Sign up to volunteer at bouts Women and men interested in trying out should contact us at or attend recreation league at Hollywood Connection Sunday mornings at 9am and talk to Medusa Damage.

For more information about Wasatch Roller Derby visit and for Uinta Madness

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