Open Container: Six Pack on the Dashboard | Buzz Blog

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Open Container: Six Pack on the Dashboard

Posted By on September 1, 2010, 5:38 PM

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Gubernatorial money. Dog park debate. Dead Jews & Living Mormons. Spice Madness. Oil Leases. Other D-News perspectives. ---

Governor Race: Both candidates have raised a boatload of money, although Peter Corroon has spent a lot more than Gov. Gary Herbert. Yes, Corroon only has half of what Herbert has to spend going forward and Herbert is moving the open bar in his campaign office to Gala Central in a couple of weeks. However, Corroon still has almost a half-million dollars. In Utah races, that's plenty to stay competitive. More importantly, it proves that Corroon will be very, very, very strong in whatever 2012 race he decides to run. In the other camp, if Herbert continues to coast despite Corroon's funding, spending and children, then he will have a mind-boggling war chest for 2012. In other gubernatorial race news, the Utah Education Association orders the steak and the chicken.

Dog Park: Salt Lake County officials, apparently missing the attention of FIDOs, has decided to wade into the Parley's Historic Nature Park debate. Did Millcreek Canyon teach them nothing?

Dead Jews: Mormon and Jewish leaders supposedly come to an agreement about how to prevent dead Jews from being baptized by living Mormons. Here's a link to the Associated Press story. I refuse to link to the Deseret Virtually News story, which was written by the LDS Church's head flak. It's just one more way the DVN is killing journalism: hijacking the byline "Special to the [insert paper's name]." That has always indicated "a trusted correspondent," not PR hack for the owner.

Spice Madness: Utah County bans spice in the canyons, giving me even further enticement to one day actually try this stuff. If it's bad in Utah County, it can mean only one thing: Fun!

Leases Bad, Lawsuit Bad, Drilling No-No: The oil leases pulled by Ken Salazar after the Tim DeChristopher bidding should not have been pulled, a judge rules. But ... the counties filed their lawsuit too late.

More Deseret News: I have D-News fatigue, partially because I talked to way too many pissed-off people yesterday about it. Strangely enough, many of those were the ones who are staying. So, I've held off today on further posts. But, others have written things. Some sober dude in Utah County gives the nice point-by-point smackdown of the failures of the new, 2002-era online strategy. He also gives a nice ground-level perspective of what it means for other media outlets if one closes. Dean Singleton writes a letter to his staff. Former CW editor Ben Fulton looks at another 2002-era idea they're pimping anew at Temple Media, the idea of convergence.

The Six Pack on the Dashboard update is published every weekday afternoon.

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Josh Loftin

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