The "No Donations to Campaigns" Campaign | Buzz Blog

Monday, September 27, 2010

The "No Donations to Campaigns" Campaign

Posted By on September 27, 2010, 11:59 AM

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Farley Anderson of the Independence Party is taking a bold approach in running for Governor. He asks you don’t donate to his campaign.---

Farley Anderson's Independence Party runs a shoestring campaign based on limited government and states rights. Not necessarily a unique platform these days, but hey it’s popular at least. And if the platform isn’t unique Anderson’s new pitch is. Anderson and Independence Party candidate for Lt. Gov. Steve Maxfield are asking voters not to donate to their campaign, but instead donate to charity.

It’s a pretty simple message that could really resonate with many Utahns sick of the corrupting influence of money in politics and would rather see that money help the less fortunate. A fine message indeed—if only they had enough money to really broadcast the message to the voting public…

The video slideshow is pretty amusing and not just because of the bow tie shots of Gov. Herbert and Lt. Gov. Bell--there’s also a cameo shot of Herbert and Rick “The Free Capitalist” Koerber in there.

If you need a little more context on Anderson as a candidate check the video out below. If he can govern as well as he can blast Pepto Bismol bottles with a six-shooter, then he’ll make a damn fine governor.

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