TV Tonight: Chuck, Lie to Me, Gossip Girl, Weeds | Buzz Blog

Monday, October 4, 2010

TV Tonight: Chuck, Lie to Me, Gossip Girl, Weeds

Posted By on October 4, 2010, 2:04 PM

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Thus far in the 2010-11 season, no new shows have cracked the Top 10. None. Two have already been canceled: Lone Star (boo!) and My Generation (yay!). Lesson? Hell if I know, but there's more room on the TiVo now.---

What’s new tonight:
Chuck (NBC) Stunt-Casting Alert: Stone Cold Steve Austin and Nicole Richie (right) return! Which one are we supposed to buy as a dangerous spy killer? Also, fellow ex-WWE rassler Stacy Kiebler fights Austin. Not sure whether to bet on leggy or stumpy.

Lie to Me (Fox) Season Premiere: The previous season just ended, like, a couple of weeks ago—but something’s gotta go on after House. Since Lone Star was canceled, Lie to Me was brought off the bench for Mondays, and Fox has relocated Friday-bound Human Target to Wednesdays to fill in for Lie to Me next month. Follow all that? Good.

Gossip Girl (The CW) Have I mentioned recently how much I wish Blake Lively was on a real show?

Weeds (Showtime) The On the Run From Murderous Mexican Drug Lords Tour 2010 rolls into Montana, and Andy and Silas enter a butter-eating contest at the State Fair to win a sweet new RV. Meanwhile, Nancy reconnects with son/budding serial killer Shane, and Doug, well, does his usual Doug shit. Remember when Weeds was about selling weed? But hell, I like this new show, too.

Also new tonight:
Dancing With the Stars, Castle (ABC); How I Met Your Mother, Rules of Engagement, Two & a Half Men, Mike & Molly, Hawaii 5-0 (CBS); The Event, Chase (NBC); House (Fox); 90210 (The CW); Top Gear (BBC America); The Real Housewives of Atlanta (Bravo); Hoarders (A&E); The Big C (Showtime)

Preview: Weeds goes to Montana, and the Botwins/Newmans fall in love with an RV at the State Fair. We sure ain’t in Agrestic anymore.

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