TV Tonight: Lie to Me, Castle, Dead Set, In Treatment | Buzz Blog

Monday, October 25, 2010

TV Tonight: Lie to Me, Castle, Dead Set, In Treatment

Posted By on October 25, 2010, 11:15 AM

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Another Monday into the fall TV season, and nothing else has been canceled—yet. Don't count on Life Unexpected to be around for much longer, however; The CW has conspicuously left it off the pickup list. Yeah, just terrible. ---

What’s new tonight:
Lie to Me (Fox) Ex-Battlestar Galactica babe Tricia Helfer continues her mission to guest-star on any and every TV series that’ll have her (and who wouldn’t?), this time as a mysterious woman who derails The Lightman Group’s security investigation at an art museum. Naturally, Lightman (Tim Roth) must have her.

Castle (ABC) Halloween Episode: Beckett and Castle track down a notorious serial killer who murders women in threes—just like Dexter’s Trinity Killer of last year, only minus the cool nickname. (“Triple Killer”? Really? That’s the best you could do?)

Dead Set (IFC) Miniseries Debut: Do we really need another zombie story? When it’s about zombies eating reality-show contestants, oh hell, yes! The five-part British miniseries Dead Set (airing nightly through Friday, all in a row on Halloween) is about a group of contestants ensconced in a Big Brother-esque reality house who are unaware that, outside, their country has been overrun with zombies—until they’re evicted from the show, that is. Despite the setting, Dead Set isn’t a Shaun of the Dead-style comedy; it’s straight horror-drama (with fast zombies, not classic shufflers—purists beware). Well done, but too bad that AMC’s The Walking Dead is going to completely blow it away on Halloween night. (Dead Set trailer in True TV)

In Treatment (HBO) Season Premiere: After 2007’s thankfully canceled depresso drama Tell Me You Love Me, the only other recent HBO series I saw no future in was 2008’s In Treatment—and yet here we are, staring down Season 3. Not due to quality, but sheer time commitment: In Treatment, about a psychiatrist (Gabriel Byrne) and his rotating couch of patients, ran five nights a week (!); each episode is a session with a character on their appointed day of the week. This season, HBO is scaling it back to four Monday-Tuesday episodes a week, meaning there will be only about 40 episodes to keep track of instead 50. Upside: Amy Ryan (The Wire, The Office) is the show’s new therapist-to-the-therapist that Byrne’s Dr. Weston himself sees. Downside: Still 40 episodes.

Also new tonight:
Dancing With the Stars (ABC); How I Met Your Mother, Rules of Engagement, Two & a Half Men, Mike & Molly, Hawaii 5-0 (CBS); Chuck, The Event, Chase (NBC); 90210, Gossip Girl (The CW); Top Gear (BBC America); The Real Housewives of Atlanta (Bravo); Cake Boss (TLC); Hoarders (A&E); Weeds, The Big C (Showtime)

Preview: If his murder sprees run too close together, does he become the Six Killer? Castle doesn’t do math.

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