TV Tonight: Community, Bones, Pawn Queens, The League | Buzz Blog

Thursday, November 18, 2010

TV Tonight: Community, Bones, Pawn Queens, The League

Posted By on November 18, 2010, 2:21 PM

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Tell your mom and your cats: CBS has officially canceled Patricia Arquette’s Medium, which didn’t quite live up to being a Friday-night Ghost Whisperer successor. Somewhere, Jennifer Love Hewitt is smiling (crookedly).---

What’s new tonight:
Community (NBC) Jeff (Joel McHale) has been taking a night class, "Conspiracy Theories in U.S. History,” that apparently doesn’t exist, taught by a ghost (guest star Kevin Corrigan). Or so the guv’ment would have you believe. Also, Annie (Alison Brie) gets a gun … hot. Meanwhile, Abed and Troy build Greendale’s most elaborate blanket fort ever. Damn, if my college had been like this, I might have actually finished. Or at least shown up once in a while. Sober.

Bones (Fox) Hello, Newman: Seinfeld’s Wayne Knight guest-stars as a candy mogul involved in a murder being investigated by Booth and Bones. What, couldn't get J. Peterman?

Pawn Queens (TLC) Series Debut: Last year, it was cupcakes. This year, pawn shops—what’s the next reality-show trend, the laugh-in-the-face-of-death, live-on-the-razor’s-edge world of notaries? Pawn Queens Minda and Nikki run a Chicago shop that caters to women, says here, specializing in “must-haves like purses, jewelry, shoes, vintage Barbie dolls and one-of-a-kind antiques.” Riiight.

The League (FX) Either The League is getting funnier, or I’m finally “getting” it. Regardless, this FX comedy about dudes and their fantasy-sports league has been criminally short on costar Nadine Velazquez (My Name Is Earl) in Season 2, but she’s finally back tonight as the crew hits their high-school reunion, and the true story of “Shiva” is revealed. Not quite as good as the Halloween episode a few weeks ago, but [insert bracket gag here; since I don’t follow fantasy-sports shit, can’t give you one].

Also new tonight:
Grey’s Anatomy, Private Practice (ABC); The Big Bang Theory, Shit You Shouldn’t Watch, CSI, The Mentalist (CBS); 30 Rock, The Office, Outsourced, The Apprentice (NBC); Fringe (Fox); The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills (Bravo); It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia (FX); Burn Notice (USA); Conan (TBS)

Preview: Nadine Velazquez returns to The League! Good to see a former My Name Is Earl maid/stripper working again.

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