We have an unusually strong Monday night for the musically inclined, and given that the next few weeks are going to be a wee bit, oh, slower in terms of touring bands, you might want to rally tonight to take advantage.
Two of the shows pop up early enough for you to function in the morning. The Jazz at the Sheraton series continues with a holiday show by guitarist John Pizzarelli, a smooth dude with a flair for the old-school, ala Duke Ellington. He'll be doing favorites old and new starting at 7:30 p.m.
Over at all-ages Mecca Kilby Court, Tokyo Police Club headline a 7 p.m. show that also includes the most excellent local faves Tolchok Trio on the bill. And later at The Urban Lounge, Australia's Tame Impala comes to town in support of one of my favorite albums this year, InnerSpeaker. Expect a night of power pop-meets-stoner rock (in all the best ways), with White Dwarfs and Stardeath opening the 9 p.m. gig.
In search of something a little more low-key? Westminster College and the Salt Lake Film Society are co-sponsoring a free screening of the Marx Brothers' classic Duck Soup at the Tower Theater at 7 p.m.