Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Tempest Couture
By Gavin Sheehan
on December 14, 2010, 2:39 AM
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There's no mistaking the growing need for fashion here in Utah, both from local brands and reaching broader into national and global brands. As our scene continues to branch both in supply with new
designers creating various works, and in demand
for the finest in up-and-coming wears, the need for stores to carry them is on the rise. And while most of the smaller shops are doing a fine job of showcasing fashion along side
art as their main selling points, few actually cater
specifically to melding the two together with little deviation or
side venture. Which is why many were pleased to see a brand new
location pop up that does just that.
--- Taking over the former
home of Q Clothing on 13
& 9th,
this past October saw the opening of Tempest Couture. A localized
boutique started up by two of the minds behind Koi Piercing, with
focus not just on designs and one-off creations, but also accessories
and jewelery for any combination. Featuring select designers, some who can't be found anywhere else in town, who have turned their works into wearable artistic
statements. I got a chance to chat with co-owners Melissa
Christensen and (briefly) Patrick Bogdanich about the shop and the
plans they have in store, along with some thoughts on local art and
fashion. Plus pictures of what they currently have in stock for you
to check out here.
Christensen & Patrick
Hey guys, first off, tell us a little bit about
Hi, my name is Melissa... and I'm a shopaholic.
My name is Patrick Bogdanich. I've been a body piercer in Salt Lake
for thirteen years, this year will mark my tenth at Koi Piercing Studio. I
have three amazing children, and one average child. Kidding! Just the
three, with the beauty and amazingness. My lovely partner Melissa and
I premiered in October Utah's first independent, artisan fashion
boutique: Tempest Couture. That means everything in the store is
handcrafted with love and creativity on the cutting edge of fashion,
and you'd need to tour from SF, to LA, to New York with several stops
along the way to find these collections elsewhere. We are also
boasting a growing host of local designers and jewelers that we are
quite proud of.
How did you each first take an interest in fashion and
It all started when I made the observation that I wear clothes
almost every day... But seriously, I have always aspired to be
different in my presentation to other humans. I was naturally drawn
to tattooing and piercing in my youth, but these outlets, in there
permanency, can fail to move with you on a day-to-day,
chapter-to-chapter basis, especially as they grow in popularity. And
that's okay, I don't feel cynical about it, but I've always needed
more (many in Salt Lake have witnessed my often unfortunate evolution
in hairstyles). It's important to have style, not in order to feel
secure, that must come from within, but to feel like yourself. I want
to have a relationship with my attire, like I do with my tattoos and
piercings. It's not a far leap, I love and respect our designers'
tireless creative efforts, like many do their tattooers. The wearer
gets all the credit!
I think I just always have had an interest. You can identify and
express feelings through both. It's very exciting.
Did either of you seek out any college in art or fashion prior to
starting up the shop?
I learned and still learn from experience and being hands
Damn! Where were you like eight months ago?
When did the two of you first meet each other and eventually become
I've known Melissa for as long as I can remember. We're not actually
friends anymore. Hilarity! Melissa has worked at Koi nearly as long
as I. We had a great friendship for years before it evolved to
something more, the Koi family has always been close.
I have known Patrick for probably fourteen years, but only became friends
when we started working together at Koi Piercing Studio.
How did the idea to start up Tempest Couture come about, and where
did you get the name?
We have been wearing and loving these designers for years. I always
had people asking where I bought the peices, but they were never
available in Salt Lake. We thought it would be fun to introduce the
lines to SLC, but didn't take it seriously until a space next to Koi
opened up.
It was actually cheaper than getting Melissa more closet space. And
I think you know I got the name from an Integrity song. Really, I
love the imagery the word conjures, and it does our store
You've taken over the old Q Clothing space on 13th
South and 9th
East. How did you come across the place and why did you choose
Both Patrick and I work at Koi Piercing Studio, which is in the same
building. It seemed comfortable to stay in our stomping
Well, I've worked next door at Koi for ten years, so I just walked
outside, looked in a lefterly direction and there it was. I told the
owner of the building years ago I was interested. I wanted to pursue
my entrepreneurial longings, but I love Koi and am not ready to
leave. This was a way to in two places at once.
What was it like for you getting set up and essentially planning out
the look of the space?
It always takes longer than you think, but the end result couldn't
have turned out better. Our fixtures are beautiful old brass,
copper, and glass pieces that came from Harold's in Trolley Square
after they closed. We sat on them for almost three years before
being able to use them. They fit perfectly in thier new home. The
gold rays on the ceiling were a bit tough, but Patrick conquered
them. We were also graced by the art of tattooists Jon Chaterlain
from Yellow Rose Tattoo and Sarah de Azevedo from Oni. They painted
our mannequins so well that it's hard to cover them with
It was very gratifying to see all our ideas take shape. We have had
years to visualize what we wanted, even purchased the fixtures years
ago when Harold's in Trolley square went under. Melissa and I have no
"brakes" in our duo. We love to green light each other's
ambitions rather than balk at their impracticalities and challenges.
Which can lead to a lot of maddening paint layouts and late night
welding, but it's fun. We're are truly a team, it's a blessy kinda
I read you were looking for more independent designers with a focus
on the artistic. What made you decide to take the store's catalog in
that direction?
It's supporting art. They pay attention to details and you can tell
when you wear them. A lot of the pieces look better with wear. These
are clothes that are made to be worn. I personally don't want to look
like the masses.
What was the process like in deciding who to bring in as part of the
store, and were there any you wish you were able to bring in but
We already knew who we wanted. It was picking the pieces to carry
that was tough. We want all of it. There are some foriegn designers
that have been harder to get a hold of, but all in all, the designers
have been excited to get thier lines into Salt Lake.
For those interested, who are some of the designers you have on
Wild Card, Skingraft Designs, Shawna Hofmann, Heathen, S & G,
Buddhaful, Jan Hilmer, Steam Trunk. And local designers Carrie Wakefield, 4D and Adrian Prazen.
You recently held your grand opening at the end of October. What was
the public response like, and how have things been going
The grand opening was a huge success. People have been really
excited about seeing this type of clothing and accessories avaialbe
in Salt Lake. We are on a lot of Christmas lists.
Are there any plans to expand into other areas or change the layout
of the store, or are you sticking to what you have for now to see how
things go?
We are always looking at new designers to bring in. We are only two
months in, so I would like it to really soak into SLC and then take a
look at what people like and dislike.
Moving onto local stuff, what are your thoughts on our fashion
scene, both good and bad?
People that visit from other cities are always pleasantly surprised.
Salt Lake has a very modified and fashionable population. The only
thing I wish were different is some people feel like "they can't
pull it off". If you love it and it fits, you have already
pulled it off. Don't be nervous to be unique or stand out. Be proud
of expressing yourself.
Is there anything you believe could be done to make it more
Adveritising, word of mouth, and time.
Who are some of your favorite local designers right now?
Michelle Boucher, Carrie Eldridge, Carrie Wakefield, Adrian Prazen and so many more. Honestly, there are so many talented people in
this little mountain town.
What are your thoughts about other local retailers and how they sell
local products?
I love the local pride that is happening now. I love that we are in
a community that local does matter.
Do you have any favorite shops you like to work with or shop
Koi Piercing Studio!
What's your take on Fashion Stroll and the part it plays in our
I think it's really important. It's an interest that so many people
have. It supports small business, big ideas, and creativity.
Fashion is an art and where would we be without art?
What can we expect from both Tempest Couture and yourselves the rest
of the year?
I think you can expect to see a lot more of us and expect a lot of
amazing clothing and accessories to keep coming out of
Aside the obvious, is there anything you'd like to promote or
Tags: Tempest Couture, Melissa Christensen, Patrick Bogdanich, Image