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to all you Christmas Eve readers, for it is I, the Bloggist of
Christmas Prologue. Tomorrow... is probably gonna be alright. Its
been fun for me watching a number of people pull their hair out over
trying to get everything finished in time. Which if you think about
it... its total bullshit. This holiday starts in mid-September these
days, anyone who can't finish Christmas shopping before December 15th
should wear a tin foil hat, so those looking to mark items up and make back what they lost in overstocking can see
you coming. To be honest, journalists or writers of any ilk trying to
push out something for the holidays as a time of family, reflection
and giving, it always reads a little forced. So instead, here's my
own honest and blunt take on the holiday for myself this year.
--- Incidentally, that plant, not a fabrication. That's the actual fake plant in my apartment lit up. Without hammering the idea home, prior to not having a gig, I
used to cover holiday shifts for employees every year who had
families to be with, as I myself am single with no where in
particular to be that day. Might as well make double overtime and
make someone happy, right? So this year I feel a bit out of place. Oh
sure, I could go watch all the Christmas episodes I have on DVD all
over again, plus some new ones I picked up along the way. Did anyone
else see the claymation episode of “Community”? Is anyone besides
Bill Frost and myself watching
the show “Community”?
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But its just not the same having what I
would call “forced free-time”, where its almost a chore to some
extent. More than likely, if you're around downtown SLC on Saturday
during the day, you may catch me just walking around for the fun of
it. And its not to say I have nothing to do, there's friends and
family to call and a dinner to be at, plus I'm sure at some point in
time one of a dozen different people will decide that Saturday is a
great night to get drunk at someone's place. Most likely over a
viewing of Cinematic Titanic's re-riffing of “Santa Claus Conquers
The Martians”.
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But at the same time it felt a tad off...
until late last night. I just got home after watching True Grit with
my buddy Tony, still not really knowing what I was going to put into
this blog entry today, and opened up the email to find two letters
from very different people. Both were holiday wish letters with a few
positive notes and some fist shaking attached. And with all the
frustration and turmoil and just being on absolute overdrive the past
month, I totally forgot how many people, both readers and friends
alike were totally sending me their best. After the first two weeks,
when December clicked over, I made the decision that Christmas was on
hold for myself. I got those closest to me what I could and didn't
really spend anything for me, or expect anyone to get me anything.
But that's okay because all this month I've gotten nothing but
unconditional love and support from people who care. ...And that's a
far better gift. But let's avoid taking this completely down the
mushy route and get to the heart of this blog entry. Much
like last year, I have a little something for those of you reading
today. This past December I briefly touched on the subject, now I can
fully talk about it. Ever since 2004 I pitched to 2News that we
should take an entire segment in our 10PM newscast on Christmas Day
and just have a musical guest play. No interlude, no dumbass
graphics, no talent looking awkward on the side, no leading to the
break, no last-minute advertizing banners or news tickers. Just a
simple music spot for four minutes, something jazzy-holiday themed,
or at least music filled with spirit. The idea being that it would be
a gift to the viewing audience who graciously decided to tune into
our station on a night where they could be doing dozens of other
things. It was actually praised as being a great idea by several
staff including the former General Manager and a News Director. So
naturally, it never the made air. ...Last year we had a video from
the Daniel Day Trio which a lot of you liked, and because of that,
I'm going to turn it into a tradition for however long this blog
lasts. With that said... ladies and gentlemen, performing a live
rendition of their song “Avalanche Feet” that was specially recorded for City Weekly as an early Christmas
gift to you, The Continentals.
Merry Christmas, have a
wonderful weekend, and I'll see you back here Sunday.