Senate hammers out compromise on Driving Privilege Card | Buzz Blog

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Senate hammers out compromise on Driving Privilege Card

Posted By on March 10, 2011, 2:32 PM

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A senate bill that’s undergone five substitute re-drafts finally passed today to change the application process for the driving privilege card, commonly used by undocumented immigrants.---

The senate secretary accidentally cited Sen. Curtis Bramble, R-Provo as the sponsor of Senate Bill 138, Driver’s License Qualification Amendments, perhaps a Freudian slip given how much work Bramble has had wrestling with the correct bill sponsor, Sen. Steve Urquhart, R-St. George.

Originally the bill was offered by Urquhart meant to revoke the driving privilege card which he had earlier in the session argued was encouraging undocumented immigrants to commit identity theft in order to have documents necessary to get the driver’s privilege card. The card had been passed in 2005 by Bramble as a means of allowing undocumented immigrant drivers a means to have car insurance. After a session’s worth of work the bill was amended so that the card is still allowed but applicants must submit to a photograph and fingerprinting to receive the card.

The last hurdle was the issue of allowing applicants to be photographed and fingerprinted with local authorities instead of going to the Bureau of Criminal Identification.

“I appreciate all the work Senator Urquhart has put into this and I know it’s a tough issue,” Bramble told the body. “But this is a great amendment and it strengthens it.”

The bill passed favorably with a 25--3 vote and now heads to the Governor for signature. 

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