Tuesday, March 22, 2011
2011 RFHFF Winner: James Cawley
By Gavin Sheehan
on March 22, 2011, 7:27 AM
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the past couple of years we've had a big increase of local film
festivals, which for an area that hosts one of the biggest festivals
every year, was sorely needed! The sad news that we learned of last
week is that one of the more prominent festivals, the Tower Theater's Open Screen Night, has now been reduced down to only three festivals a year,
limiting the amount of exposure localized filmmakers have to get
their short films out. So its probably a good thing we have a high-profile replacement in February.
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--- Last year the X96 morning show Radio From Hell started their own film
fest, bringing in a large amount of submissions and a sellout crowd
to the Tower. So with all the success brought on by the
first, you had to know they'd return for another round in 2011. This year
with more specifics to film content and a bigger field of filmmakers
looking to impress, the second annual festival highlighted a massive
array of talent who put together short films on the fly, most created
over a weekend with little scripting and technical capabilities. In
the end it was James Cawley with his film titled “X96” who took
away the grand prize... a chance to see Barry Manilow. There was a
trip to Las Vegas in there too. I got a chance to chat with Cawley
about his film career and production company, making the film and
winning, plus some thoughts on the local film scene in
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Hey James. First off, tell us a little bit about yourself, and how
you got into filmmaking.
I first got interested in independent filmmaking in high school
where I made my first few short films. I then went to college at
Utah State University where I studied Multimedia Arts and Graphic
Design which landed me my first career job as studio director at In
The Dark Studios, based out of Logan, Utah. That was the point at
which I felt I could start making films the way I wanted to, having
access to the proper equipment and knowledge to really pull off a
notable production. From there one thing lead to another and as my
films started to win in some festivals, I was hooked.
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What first got you interested in movies, and what films and
directors would you say had a big influence on you?
Music is what first got me interested in movies and the concept of
filmmaking. I remember listening to music and thinking about what
scenes would go along with it. One thing a lot of filmmakers
overlook is sound design and soundtracks, a movies mood and impact
are defined by the soundtrack. As far as movies and directors I
would have to say I have been influenced by the works of Danny Boyle
(“28 Days Later”, “Trainspotting” and “127 Hours”) as
well as Quentin Tarantino for his style and twists on filmmaking.
Directors such as those two have shown us that it doesn't matter if
you have a million dollar budget, if you want to become a filmmaker
the first step is always making a film.
You studied Multimedia Development up at Utah State. What made you
choose USU for your education, and what was their program like for
When I attended Utah State there was not a formal Multimedia
Program, it was either you studied Art or Instructional Technology
(as a graduate degree program). I spent the first year struggling
with this as the art program (graphic design, 3D Design, etc) was
only part of what I wanted to learn. Through talking with the
different departments and working with the school they allowed me to
take my own approach and create a custom schedule between the
Instructional Design Department, Journalism Program, School of
Business and Art Department. Doing this I was able to learn allot
more, but since it was not a formal program there were allot of bumps
along the way. I love Utah State University and I will always
recommend it as a top choice for those looking for a great
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While you were honing your craft, did you find you prefer working
alone on productions or as part of a team?
This is a great question. I have known allot of independent
filmmakers that struggle with working as a team or limit themselves
to the same group on every production. Working with others is VITAL
to success in this industry, making a film is a team effort. I have
worked with some very talented people over the years and could never
imagine trying to take on film without them. In the same sense I
always try to work with new people as they always bring new life,
style, ideas and character to a production. I have met all of my
closest friends through working on other directors projects as well
as inviting new people on board with mine.
How did the idea come about to start up your own production company,
and what was it like putting Ridgeline Creative together?
I started Ridgeline Creative out of necessity as my client base
expanded. I started doing corporate video work, film effects and
editing freelance but as my client base increased I needed to
purchase gear, studio space and pay others to assist with
productions. From there Ridgeline Creative was born over night.
Altogether it was not an easy road to get a production company off
the ground but I would not change a thing if I had to do it over
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Since starting up you've put together several films, short features
and even commercials. What's it like for you balancing between
clients and you own projects? And who are some of the companies
you've done spots for?
Balancing clients and personal work is always a tough thing to do.
The hardest part is getting focused on a corporate website design or
video when you have a fun and exciting project underway personally,
its just learning to balance time and keep things moving. Over the
last 4-5 years Ridgeline Creative has put together multiple projects
ranging from the cover design of Success
to feature film trailers. We have also worked on video projects with
The Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Glenn Beck, Lowes
Home Improvement, Verizon, Franklin Covey as well as numerous direct
selling and local businesses world wide. More of our clients and the
work can be seen on our website.
Moving onto the festival, what made you decide to enter the Radio
From Hell Film Festival this year?
I had heard about the festival months ago through other local
filmmakers. This last year I started another company with two other
partners called Upside360, a social networking software company, and
between that and Ridgeline I was swamped and wasn't planning on being
able to submit a film to the festival. We had a client cancellation
the weekend before the festival closed submissions and I decided to
try to make a film over that weekend. I called up my two great
friends Marshall Lowry and Mark Pittman late on Friday afternoon and
asked them if they were interested in making a film the next day.
That night I came up with a storyline, costume and concept and we
filmed that Saturday with just us three. Marshall played the main
character, Mark was my PA and Script Supervisor and I directed and
filmed the project. Twelve hours later we had it edited and ready to
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Where did the concept for the film come from? And had you decided on
it before or after you heard the requirements?
I have always been a fan of post-apocalyptic films and wanted to go
that direction. I had been listening to a song by composer/musician
Greg Downs and the idea just came to me. I typed a quick script into
my iPhone and that was about it.
What was it like on set during filming? And how long did it take you
to film and then edit it up?
We had a blast on set during production. We were there to have fun,
learn and make the best movie possible in our limited two day
timeframe. All of our shots went very smoothly and we ended up
getting everything shot in only 3-4 hours. As soon as I got back to
my home office I started editing and I had a finished product at
about 3AM that next morning.
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Were there any difficulties that came up along the way or was it all
pretty smooth?
Overall everything went really smooth. Marshall Lowry played the
role perfectly, despite inhaling super glue fumes from the home-made
costume for several hours. Mark Pittman kept us on track with the
script and I knew exactly which shots we needed to complete the film.
While on location I sent a Voice Over script to VO Artist Troy
Kearley and gave our composer Randin Graves some direction on where
to go with the custom music. Everyone was really on top of their
Considering the amount of CGI material added to the piece, did that
create issues in the way you had to film material, or was it simply a
matter of working around what you shot?
I went into the shoot well prepared for what was going to happen in
post production. I knew that I needed to include a lot of matte
paintings, light effects and tracking effects so I shot everything on
a tripod eliminating extra motion tracking work. When we first met
up for the production we covered the issues we would be dealing with
and I made sure everyone understood the process which was vital in
keeping to our time frame.
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Did you show the film to anyone prior to the event, and what did
they think of the film when it was finished?
The film was completed the day before the final submission date, so
only the three of us that worked on the film had seen it.
What was it like seeing it there and hearing the audience
Unfortunately I was not able to make it to the festival due to some
business obligations. Mark Pittman accepted the awards on our teams
behalf, he said it was a great turnout and the reaction was
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At the end you won the overall competition and grand prize. How did
it feel winning and receiving that recognition for your work?
I was honored, it made all the hard work and tough time frame worth
the efforts.
What were your overall thoughts on the other submissions and the
festival in general?
After the festival many of the other submissions were posted online
where I was able to see them for the first time. There were a lot of
other well respected directors and filmmakers that entered great
short films. It was great to see so many creative local people come
together for one event. Overall the submissions were very creative
and most were done really well.
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Going local, what’s your opinion of the local film scene, both
good and bad?
Overall I think we have a great community of local filmmakers. In
general I would like to see more collaboration between filmmakers.
As in any local scene you have a fair share of professionals as well
as those that are only doing it for name recognition and Facebook
photos. Its important to remember that a good project will help
everyone out from an education and portfolio standpoint.
Is there anything you think could be done to make it more
I think it would be great if there was a overall film organization
for local filmmakers. Many local filmmakers have started groups and
clubs, it would be good to have an overall network where we can
educate, share and help on projects together.
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Are there any local directors or companies you feel are at the top
of their game?
I have worked with allot of amazing people over the last year. One
person that I really respect is local director Chase Weston. He has
a passion for independent filmmaking and has directed some pretty
impressive pieces. His post-apocalyptic film "A Taste Of Love"
has done really well in festivals and has a great style to it.
Randin Graves is another respected artist in the Utah film industry I
would like to mention. Randin is a composer and is headed right to
the top, with his talents and portfolio he is sure to be a famous
composer very soon. I have worked with Randin on "X96" and my film
"REUE" and I have been amazed by his abilities.
Do you know what you’re doing for your next film, and what can we
expect from you over the rest of the year?
Currently my World War II film "REUE" is in the festival
circuit for 2011. I plan on making my first full feature film within
the next year.
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Aside the obvious, is there anything you’d like to promote or
In addition to our video services Ridgeline Creative provides free
filmmaking tutorials on our website,
as well as on our Facebook fanpage, and you can check out the
film on YouTube.
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Tags: James Cawley, Radio From Hell Film Festival, Image