World: meet Evan Carpenter, the Provo video editor and producer of Evan Meets World, the web show/vlog behind this awesome video of the Holi Festival of Colors, the most messy fun in Utah.---
Raised in Lindon,
27-year-old Carpenter is a freelance editor and is hoping to turn his
travel vlog into a TV show. He started the YouTube channel in June.
Carpenter tweeted that the video took him 48 hours to edit, with just 5 hours to nap.
Aside from the Utah County Holi festival, Carpenter recently traveled to Tahrir Square in Cairo to talk with locals about the recent uprising and also the impact the unrest has had on the country's tourism industry, a major source of jobs.
"[I was there] right when the [Egyptian] government started claiming that it was stable again. They wanted to get tourism going again," Carpenter says. "I wanted to go and support that cause if I could. ... I went to the pyramids in the first episode (see below) and no one was there, maybe 20 western tourists."
Upcoming episodes will also feature Carpenter's trip to Egypt and discussions he had with Egyptian young people about the uprising against the oppressive regime that was ousted by the people's demonstrations.
Next, Carpenter wants to take Evan Meets World
to India--where he previously lived for one year--but is uncertain when
that might be. He racked up debt to get to Egypt so his future travel
plans are uncertain. "It depends on how well the the show goes in the
next few months," he says.
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