Local Releases: Four & A Plus One | Buzz Blog

Friday, May 27, 2011

Local Releases: Four & A Plus One

Posted By on May 27, 2011, 4:45 PM

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We've got five releases to chat about tonight, starting with one we missed yesterday. --- Sodacon finally put out their latest album, SOS: Volume 1, which you can find online at his website. Go check it out.

click to enlarge sodacon.webp

Moving onto tonight we've got two shows that, if you're quick, you can attend both in the same evening. First up is the debut from Kaplan, an Americana pop/rock trio made up of Sam Sorenson (Larusso, Ask For The Future) his brother Ben Sorenson (Wakeside) and Sheyn Love.  To be honest, this is more mid-day on a pop station kind of rock, just shy of it actually being pop. You could slip it between Nickleback and Lifehouse, and it would fit right in. It's not everyone's kind of music, but there is a huge audience for it, and it looks like Kaplan knows  their audience seeing how they've been doing really well at live shows. You can pick up a copy of Living By A Compromise tonight at their Kilby Court release show, playing along side Frame & Canvas, Bobo Shand and Nate Palmer. Just $6 starting at 7PM.

click to enlarge kaplan.webp

Then later tonight we'll see the achingly long anticipated release from The Devil Whale. We won't drag out the long story of it's pending release and how it's taken nearly a year for them to get here, but finally we have the band's sophomore album Teeth. Simply put: melodic indie rock at it's finest. A preview of the album shows major growth from the group, tracks like “So-Called War” and “The Road To Hell” show off the band's harmonies while tracks like “Earthquake Dreams” and “Werewolf Army” show off their strong compositions and ear for crossover chords. Definitely a must-buy. can catch that show tonight along with David Williams and The Future Of The Ghost, just $5 starting at 10PM.

click to enlarge devilwhale.webp

Then tomorrow night up in Ogden you can catch the latest release from Atilast. The group (seen above) have been on a rocky road over the past four years; members coming and going, changes in music, gaining a new singer, etc. They're one of those bands you always see on the bill going second to last and then have nothing to promote. Well all that's changed as the group buckled down and now have a proper EP, aptly titled The Opening. The album hits the pop/rock wall, but with a far better edge to it than you'll find on others, with lead singer Haley Pollock's voice shining over the distortion. This is definitely one you at least check out. You can catch them at The Basement (24th Street) playing with Sky Sight, Antiem and Stegosaurus. Just $7 starting at 7PM.

click to enlarge atilast.webp

(and finally) down in SLC we'll see the latest from Tough Tittie. We actually haven't seen or heard much from the group since 2009 with their debut album Pink Roid Rage, but since then they've kinda been under the radar. Sure, if you go back and look at a Burt's Tiki Lounge calendar, you'll probably see them on their once a month, but do you remember that performance? Probably not. Which is a fucking shame! The “good times punk band” have a brand new EP out by the name of Stomach Transplant, which will hopefully take them beyond the one bar and get them some deserved local recognition. You can catch them tomorrow at (where else) Burt's Tiki Lounge along with our old friends Victims Willing and Thunderfist. Just $5 starting at 10PM.


Head out, love music, buy local!

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