Gallivan Center Offers Free Workouts | Buzz Blog

Monday, June 6, 2011

Gallivan Center Offers Free Workouts

Posted By on June 6, 2011, 10:00 AM

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Ready to have a bikini bod, but don’t have a gym membership? No problem. Starting Monday, June 6, the Gallivan Center will offer free after-work workouts.---

For the program’s second year, the goal is simple: “We want to be a fit city,” says Cynthia Stringham, Gallivan Center event manager. From June 6 - Aug. 28, those working downtown can release a little steam after work from 5:15 - 6 p.m. on the Gallivan Center lawn (239 S. Main, 801-535-6110). The classes are offered Monday -Thursday, rain or shine, except on holidays and special event dates—visit the Gallivan Center website for specifics.

The heart-pumping aerobic exercises are designed to tone chair-butt and firm up computer-gut. Last year, daily turnout averaged 20 people, says Stringham, who hopes to double that number this year. “We have a lot of kettle bells, and we need to use them all,” she says with a laugh.

“We know that gym memberships are expensive and we want to give people an opportunity to workout with all of these awesome trainers.”

Trainer Blake Robinson oversees the class schedule, and will teach many of the classes. He has partnered with various yoga studios and workout facilities around town in order to feature a diverse workout regiment throughout the week. For the first week, Monday will be kettle bells, Tuesday will be yoga and Wednesday will be kettle bells, again.

Once finalized, the schedule will be posted on the Gallivan Center website. Zumba will also be offered, among other classes. “It’s a great way to try a variety of styles for free,” Stringham says. “Frankly I never thought I’d be a ‘Zumba person,’ and, you know what? It turns out I am.” CW

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