Rally for DeChristopher Tuesday | Buzz Blog

Monday, July 25, 2011

Rally for DeChristopher Tuesday

Posted By on July 25, 2011, 5:16 PM

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Local activists will be taking it to the streets outside of the federal courthouse, Tuesday, for a rally in anticipation of the sentencing of Tim DeChristopher, found guilty of disrupting oil and gas lease auctions in late 2008.---

The local activists of Peaceful Uprising will be waiting along with the rest of the world to see if a federal judge will throw the book at Tim DeChristopher for his 2008 interference in an oil and gas lease auction. DeChristopher gained instant folk-hero status in 2008 when he made phony bids on parcels of land in southern Utah that otherwise would have gone to oil and gas developers. Tuesday activists will rally and hold events all day long to stand in solidarity with DeChristopher on the day of his sentencing for being found guilty in March.

Tuesday, July 26 across from the Frank Moss Federal Courthouse, 362 S. Main From 12-3 p.m. members of Peaceful Uprising will hold street theatre in the morning, sing songs and have speakers leading up to the sentencing at 3 p.m., followed by more speakers and a special performance by Peter Yarrow.

That evening there will also be a gathering and potluck dinner at First Unitarian Church, 569 S. 1300 East, at 7 p.m. Supporters and well wishers are encouraged to bring food, beverages and their thoughts on the sentencing.

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