Missed Masterpieces: Sublime | Buzz Blog

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Missed Masterpieces: Sublime

Posted By on August 16, 2011, 10:00 AM

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Question: Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Answer: Who gives a shit? I like my chicken fried, and eggs either over-easy or scrambled, with a juicy steak.---

That’s the same argument that comes when you try to argue which came first, ska or reggae? According to my research, ska preceded reggae, but it was so damned hot in Jamaica and the rest of the Caribbean that Bob Marley slowed down the music so people could dance without passing out from heat stroke.

Of course, they didn’t have that problem on the West Coast, because that Pacific Ocean is colder than a witch’s tit.

The West Coast is a place ska-punk could thrive. It’s a tragedy that Brad Nowell died of a heroin overdose just before Sublime released their self-titled masterpiece album—an album with great songs like “What I Got” and “Santeria.” And fun naughty songs: “April 29, 1992 (Miami),” “Jailhouse,” and “Pawn Shop.”

To be honest with you, I get tired of genres and sub-genres. There’s rock and roll, jazz, blues, soul, country, and classical. Everything else is one of these as far as I’m concerned i.e., rap is part of soul, etc.

The show Soul Train was on TV for 35 years. It had James Brown, Al Green and Snoop Dogg. In other words, at least five genres and who can guess at how many sub-genres.

Personally, I don’t give a flying fuck about how music gets categorized through the years. And I’m tired of even trying to put great tunes in a slot. Music moves me, inspires me, gives me joy … or does nothing for me at all. I enjoy Sublime’s self-titled album a lot. It’s too bad we’re not going to get anything else from the band.

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