The Biased Biologist: Giving the Gift of Eco-Style | Buzz Blog

Monday, November 21, 2011

The Biased Biologist: Giving the Gift of Eco-Style

Posted By on November 21, 2011, 3:45 PM

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With Black Friday approaching, it's time to brace myself for the onslaught of holiday commercials for stuff I wouldn't buy for myself or others. --- Bottom line, I don't "shop" all that well. But, I like to do my part and give thoughtful gifts when I can.

So kudos to the City Weekly gift guide that promotes shopping locally.

Another way to go is giving the gift of "eco-style" (aka recycled presents). One place I go for ideas is Re-Nest . A subsidiary of Apartment Therapy, Re-Nest is designed to help you live eco-friendly in style (“eco-stylish,” if you will). I’ve been called eco-friendly/eco-obsessive plenty of times before, but nobody in their right mind would call me stylish; I’m currently wearing ladybug slippers with brown plaid pajama pants. The reason I love Re-Nest is that it makes me feel like I could be eco-stylish with one trip to a thrift store and a few swings with a hammer.

My favorite thing about Re-Nest is the wide range of posts from the many contributing bloggers on any given day. It has eco-friendly house tours that make me drool, online and in-store decorating finds that make me wish I were eco-wealthy and creative and practical tips that make me wonder why I didn’t think of them first.

* 10 Upcycled Wine Bottles Turned Home Accessories

* How To Use Coffee, Tea, and Wine To Create Works Of Art

* Prevent Rugs From Slipping With Canning Jar Seals

Fair warning: Some reader comments can be snobbish, but I’m sure I’ve caused many an eye roll by expounding on the dangers of packing peanuts, so I may be an eco-hypocrite.


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