Megaplex Pre-Avengers Marvel Hero-a-Thon | Buzz Blog

Monday, March 26, 2012

Megaplex Pre-Avengers Marvel Hero-a-Thon

Posted By on March 26, 2012, 10:15 AM

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At Megaplex Theatres locations in Utah, you can get reacquainted on the big screen with the characters featured in the upcoming blockbuster The Avengers -- well, most of them, anyway. ---

Starting Friday, April 27, Megaplex Theatres locations at Sandy’s Jordan Commons, Thanksgiving Point in Lehi and Legacy Crossing in Centerville will be featuring daily screenings of four films featuring the Marvel Comics super heroes who will be featured in The Avengers. The original 2008 Iron Man, 2010’s Iron Man 2 (which also introduced Scarlett Johansson’s Black Widow) and last summer’s Thor (including cameo by Jeremy Renner’s Hawkeye) and Captain America: The First Avenger will each get a daily showtime leading up to the midnight May 4 debut of The Avengers.

Notable by its absence: 2008’s The Incredible Hulk, which featured the giant green id-beast who’s also part of the Avengers lineup. According to Megaplex Theatres’ Cal Gunderson, Universal Pictures has taken the film out of release circulation. Is it a wise decision not to provide promotional muscle for a competing studio’s release (The Avengers will be distributed by Disney)? An attempt by Marvel Studios to avoid the confusion of the new Dr. Bruce Banner (Mark Ruffalo), Hulk's human alter-ego, with the old one (Edward Norton)?

Never mind. Let the geek marathon commence.

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Scott Renshaw

Scott Renshaw

Scott Renshaw has been a City Weekly staff member since 1999, including assuming the role of primary film critic in 2001 and Arts & Entertainment Editor in 2003. Scott has covered the Sundance Film Festival for 25 years, and provided coverage of local arts including theater, pop-culture conventions, comedy,... more

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