Jailhouse-babes.com: Reaching Beyond the Bars for Love | Buzz Blog

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Jailhouse-babes.com: Reaching Beyond the Bars for Love

Posted By on April 18, 2012, 8:19 PM

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Six female Utah inmates are searching for love or companionship, according to an intriguing website called Jailhouse-Babes.com. But the pretty faces you find on the website aren't necessarily -- surprise! -- an accurate reflection of their mug shots.---

Four inmates at the Wasatch County jail in Heber, for example, have somehow uploaded their details and photo to the website, although the jail doesn't permit Internet access. Each entry tells its own particular tale.

You can find the website here.

Tiffany Larsen is 29, weighs 140 pounds, is bisexual and has blue eyes, according to her entry. She is "a lady in the street, a freak in the sheets," works as a waitress and is currently incarcerated for "manufacturing," presumably meth. Immediately after describing her prowess in bed, she then notes in the same paragraph her passion in life is her child. A little editing might be helpful.

Tiffany also is selective in whom she seeks to write to her. "Please no inmates."

That's a specification that Nicole Romero, in for forgery, also includes in her ad. She writes:

"Hey, I'm a single female looking for some attention, a friend & who knows maybe more. I'm a fun, loving, outgoing, funny personality/person so let's get to know each other. And if you like what you see, don't be scared, I'm not. Holla!"

You can write to either of these women via snail-mail at the Wasatch County jail.

The photographs of both women were presumably uploaded by friends or relatives on the outside. Their mug shots reflect significant wear and tear, as it were, when contrasted to their website photos. You can view the mugshots here, if you enter their names.

Careful study would suggest that most, if not all, the women in Utah [I scratched my head over Nicole] who are featured on this site—there's also an inmate in Purgatory down south and one in Orange Street rehab—are indeed the same women as those incarcerated.

But Phoenix-based private investigator John Brewington, who was last featured in City Weekly hunting cyberbullies in a story titled Conman.com, posted a blog on his site, Paladin P.I., warning against, in effect, false advertising or worse by one female inmate. He highlighted a woman whose attractive photograph bore no resemblance to the older woman in prison who claimed to be her.

You can read his blog here.

We occasionally receive letters from inmates seeking pen pals. The other day, one came from Kelly Bury and Tarah Gilliland, both currently residing at 15 N 2nd E. Rexburg, Id 83440. Kelly says she is "incarcerated female 27, blond/brownish hair blue eyes, seeking pen pal for companionship." Tarah expresses similar sentiments.

It's not only women who are seeking such relationships. We received a letter (which you can read below) from several male inmates at the Salt Lake County lock-up, which you can read here. It's a curious effort, given that it notes that people the two writers have met on the outside in the past "downtown in bars, and at insane parties have turned out to be hookers, drunks, and insecure crazies, who when ignored turned into stage-5 clingers."

As the writer concludes, "Who would have guessed?"

Inmate Letter

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