A pair of wild high-concept "comedies" come to local second-run theaters this weekend, both inspiring more head-scratching than belly-laughing. ---
This Means War finds two CIA field agents (Tom Hardy and Chris Pine) competing with both fair means and foul for the same woman (Reese Witherspoon). There was every opportunity to turn this into a romantic-action comedy that still had some heart, but it offers nothing resembling real, sympathetic characters to carry us through the preposterous situations. It just barrels ahead, oblivious to whether or not a viewer actually cares about who ends up alive, or who ends up with whom, or why.
And yet it still offers more humanity than Project X, which turns the faux-documentary tale of a high school nerd's house party gone out of control into a smug exercise in combining Risky Business and John Hughes with Jackass. The problem isn't that it's socially irresponsible; the problem is that it's just not funny, unless the inherent hilarity of a dwarf punching people in the nuts can still work its magic on you.