Occupy Caravans reach Salt Lake City | Buzz Blog

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Occupy Caravans reach Salt Lake City

Posted By on June 13, 2012, 3:45 PM

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The Occupy movement is back in full force in Salt Lake City—for today, at least. ---

The Occupy Caravans, a group of three vehicles and about 35 people crossing the country to revitalize Occupy’s agenda, have made it to Salt Lake City and will be spending the evening at Liberty Park. Anyone interested in becoming part of the caravan or just wanting to catch up on the Occupy Movement is welcome to join the group for a cookout and discussion on the economic civil rights happening in America.

“We want the conversations to return to actual issues of the 99 percent,” said Michael Levitin, co-editor of the Occupy Wall Street Journal and participant in the caravans.

The caravans are in two groups, a central caravan and southern caravan. The central left San Francisco, and the southern left Los Angeles on June 11. Each group will be hitting major cities all across the United States until they eventually converge June 20 in New Orleans.

The final destination is Philadelphia, which is planned for June 30. This will lead to a five-day national occupy gathering that will end July 4 on Independence Mall.

During the final gathering, Levitin says, the group wants to get back to the roots of the Occupy Movement by holding workshops, educational forums, discussions and making proposals that outline steps forward.

In each city, the caravans try to provide a cookout and entertainment, like firedancing, to bond the Occupy community. In some cities, the groups will march through the town, spreading the message of the 99 percent. However, the real goal of the caravans is to reignite the Occupy flame.

“We want to help rejuvenate and reignite the energy and spirit that catapulted Occupy in the fall,” said Levitin.

Another main goal of the caravans is education.

“Many people don’t understand what this movement is,” said Levitin. “Clearly, we have to evolve and change.”

This change comes at a cost. The group has mainly funded themselves, but they are asking for any donations to help with the costs of food and gas, especially since the small group is expected to grow to the hundreds by the time they reach Philadelphia.

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Savannah Turk

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