Activists are getting ready to welcome the American Legislative Exchange Council when it comes to town at the end of the month. The secretive nonprofit that pimps corporate interests straight to state lawmakers is holding its 39th annual meeting in Salt Lake City and local activists are doing some party prepping Friday building special ALEC piñatas.---
Join immigration activists of the Salt Lake Dream Team and Occupy SLC Friday for a piñata building party in preparation for ALEC’s arrival in town for their July 25-28 meeting. ALEC has in recent years drawn ire from activists who see the group as being a legislative mill that feeds corporate-tailored legislation straight to state lawmakers affecting everything from advancing the for-profit prison industry to bills favored by large agri-business that criminalize the actions of animal-rights activists.
For more info on ALEC’s tentacle-like reach into government, especially here in Utah, check out this week’s cover story.
Then if you feel like you want to express your concern over ALEC through art and cathartic piñata demolishing be sure to join the party. Participants are encouraged to bring food and drink to share as well as craft supplies such as colorful tissue paper, newspapers and candy.
Check it out, Friday, July 13, 6:30-8:30 p.m. at the Mexican Federation, 344 S. Goshen Street (1040 West)