Alternate Realities Roundup 9/25 | Buzz Blog

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Alternate Realities Roundup 9/25

Posted By on September 25, 2012, 9:02 AM

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Mother Jones asks if 4th Congressional District Candidate Mia Love is an “anchor baby.” "She has implied that she would back the deporting of U.S.-born children of illegal immigrants so as not to reward 'bad behavior.' Yet by Love's own account, she is what Republicans derisively call an "anchor baby." ---

Top of the Alty World

“GOP Rising Star Mia Love: ‘Anchor Baby?’”—Mother Jones

A new study found that Fox News and The Wall Street Journal greatly mislead readers about the science of climate change—Mother Jones

Polls that don’t keep up with telephone usage may be undercounting Obama supporters.—The Root.

Activists plan global strike on Feb. 13, 2013, against violence against women.—Democracy Now!

Nationwide manufacturers and community colleges are teaming up to resurrect high-paying factory jobs.—Slate.

Top of Alty

Salt Lake County candidates for mayor Mark Crockett and Ben McAdams will debate Wednesday, Sept. 26, at 6 p.m. on KCPW.—KCPW

Unemployment-benefits insurance have been reinstated in Utah.—KUER

University of Utah researchers have received a $21.8 million grant to study the HIV virus.—Q Salt Lake


From Salt Lake City Weekly’s Bill Frost, number 7 in the “Eight reasons the Utah Transit Authority should be able to eliminate the free-fare zone in downtown SLC”:

"The bus in Speed was in a free-fare zone and look what happened there." –Salt Lake City Weekly

The Long View

Salon interviews Nate Phelps, son of Fred Phelps, the founder of the controversial Westboro Baptist Church, whose supporters are known for protesting funerals with signs reading “God Hates Fags” and “Thank God for Dead Soldiers,” believing military deaths are signs of God’s displeasure with the world. Nate Phelps is working to undo the hateful legacy of his father’s church.

“We heard from the time we were very young that we were to be separated from the world, and we were unique. We were God’s chosen ones. On one hand, we had this sense that we were better than everybody else, and on the other hand, we had this clear awareness that we were different from everyone else. That cut both ways. And then all of that ideology was supported and promoted with violence and psychological — I don’t know if you want to call it abuse, but you know those lessons we learned in that religious environment were such that we were constantly anxious and frightened for whether or not we were going to upset God.”—Salon

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