Tempted though you may be to hide out indoors, there's so much fascinating stuff going on around Utah this weekend that we need even more space to recommend it all. ---
'Tis Pity She's a Whore: The University of Utah Theater Dept. presents John Ford's 17th-century tragedy that re-conceptualizes Romeo & Juliet as the doomed, passionate love between ... a brother and sister. Performances run Nov. 9 -18 at the Babcock Theater (lower level of the Simmons Pioneer Memorial Theater); $15 general admission.
Salt Lake Freedom Film & Storytelling Festival: Family-friendly feature films, shorts and storytelling are showcased at the Fort Douglas Post Theater on the University of Utah campus on Saturday, Nov. 10, 7:30 a.m. - 10:30 p.m. Works by local artists will be featured, in addition to classics like the 1965 drama Born Free and the 1951 Alistair Sim version of A Christmas Carol. Morning and afternoon sessions are just $5 each for adults, $3 for children.
Utah Book Writers' Club Open House: Local authors will offer tips for aspiring writers wondering how to publish, in addition to presenting and signing their own latest works. Scheduled participants include Karl Beckstrand, fantasy author Connie A. Walker, nonfiction writer Patricia Potts, and young-reader mystery writer David R. Christensen. Saturday, Nov. 10, 2 - 5 p.m., 5060 Daisy Lane, Murray.
Utah Ballet: Swan Lake: The University of Utah Dept. of Ballet's resident company presents acts II, III & IV of Tchaikovsky's beloved work. The production was created with costumes and sets patterned closely after the classic Mariinsky Theatre version. Performances are Nov. 9, 10, 15, 16 & 17; tickets $12 general admission.