Richard Cory & The Sole Shakers | Buzz Blog

Monday, December 3, 2012

Richard Cory & The Sole Shakers

Posted By on December 3, 2012, 7:00 PM

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The past month has kinda been all over the place as far as all-local shows go. I myself have had to cancel and reschedule a few in November after many ended up being rearranged. --- With a scene teeming with hundreds of locals, you'd think there'd be a showcase of bands that I haven't covered in this blog yet. Unfortunately, November was mostly a bust, and entering December, I could only find one show at The Urban Lounge that had an un-interviewed band to cover.

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Today, I chat with members from Richard Cory & The Sole Shakers, along with pictures for you to check out in this gallery here of the band performing along with our old friends in Folk Hogan and Max Pain & The Groovies.

Richard Cory & The Sole Shakers (Weazl, Richard Cory, Curtis Jackson & Javier Silva)

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RC&TSS on Facebook

Gavin: Hey. everyone! First thing, tell us a little about yourselves.

Richard: We're rebels.

Weazl: I’ve been playing drums 14 years, 10 of which have been in bands; writing and performing. I have played in two Utah-based bands, Know Ur Roots and Merit Badge. I play in the SLCC jazz ensemble, marching band, and percussion ensemble. My three years in SLC have been great, and very influential musically.

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Gavin: What got you interested in music, and who were some of your favorite acts and musical influences growing up?

Richard: I'd have to say music got me into music; it was like a magnetic force. My first CD was Blink-182 Dude Ranch. JJ Cale and Dan Auerbach have been two of my biggest influences as a songwriter.

Weazl: As a kid, I became interested in understanding what music was made of and meant by bands like Bad Religion, Nofx, Pantera, Metallica, Paul Simon, Rage Against The Machine, Weird Al Yankovich and the numerous musicals to which I was introduced.

Gavin: How did the four of you come together to form RC&TSS?

Richard: Our passion for music that we all share is what brought us all together as a band.

Weazl: What a long strange trip it's been.

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Gavin: What was the big influence behind the blues-rock sound, and what was it like for you to hone that vibe into your own version?

Richard: It started with rock & roll, Jimi Hendrix, Clapton and The Doors. I soon dived right into the history and getting to the root of that sound I love so much. That's when I found the blues -- artists like Skip James and Howlin' Wolf. The way they were expressing themselves through their music was brilliant and I couldn't ignore it. I immersed myself in it. And that vibe became a big part of the way I did, and still do, express myself.

Weazl: As a percussionist, I get to build and outline the great songs that Richard Cory brings to the practice room. He brings that blues-rock influence and I get to go along for the ride.

Gavin: You've been a band for a while now. How has it been for you playing around the valley and gaining an audience?

Richard: The band as it is now has only been together for a few months. So, we are just scratching that surface and it feels great. The fans we have are the ones making it happen and spreading the word.

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Gavin: Are you looking to record an album sometime soon, or are you mainly focused on playing gigs for now?

Richard: Definitely playing gigs and continuing to build our local fan base. You can never play enough gigs. You can always record.

Gavin: Down the road, are you looking to tour or will you stick to Utah for the time being?

Richard: We will be focusing on Utah for the most part, and in the future we definitely will tour.

Weazl: We plan to tour relentlessly the moment we have the material, time, and resources.

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Gavin: Moving on to statewide stuff, what are your thoughts on the local music scene, both good and bad?

Richard: There is so much talent here in Utah and I am excited to get this band more involved in that. There are a lot of good bands here we are excited to share a stage with and get to know.

Gavin: Is there anything you believe could be done to make it more prominent?

Weazl: I’m not a market analyst, or a music expert. I do know that love, respect, and unity can accomplish any great thing.

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Gavin: Not including yourselves, who are your favorite acts in the scene right now?

Richard: We don’t play favorites.

Weazl: Max Pain and The Groovies, Lucid 8, Lo-V ... there are so many.

Gavin: What's your opinion on the current airplay on community radio and how it affects local musicians?

Richard: I think it has become a lot more like commercial radio. Although they still support the local music, it seems it has been trumped by bigger names.

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Gavin: What do you think of file sharing these days, both as musicians and a music lovers?

Richard: I think it is so awesome to be able to share like that. What is the point of making music if you don't want it to be shared and enjoyed?

Weazl: I think technology is slowly ruining the masses' idea of music. While file sharing allows the underground artists to reach more ears, it also perpetuates the musical status quo.

Gavin: What can we expect from all of you over the rest of this year and going into next?

Richard: Expect us the be fuckin' shit up in Salt Lake. So, be sure to check our Fb page for gigs and new tunes. We will be sure to keep the fans in the loop!

Weazl: Expect a fucking multitude of percussive strikes.

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Gavin: Is there anything you'd like to plug or promote?

Richard: Coalatree Organics.

Weazl: I would like to mention a few names publicly — a huge shout out to Charlie and Coalatree Organics, Adam Danley, my good friend Josh Schmidt of Schitty Schmitty Productions and The Anonymous Creator in Phoenix, Arizona, Mark Davis and his entire film crew.

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