Alternate Realities Roundup 1/29 | Buzz Blog

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Alternate Realities Roundup 1/29

Posted By on January 29, 2013, 10:00 AM

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The Economist asks if the U.S. will be ready for jihadists who may take hold in poverty-stricken Africa.---

Top of the Alty World

“International Terrorism: Afrighanistan?”—The Economist

Pro-choice activists look to engage a new generation keep Roe V. Wade intact for another 40 years.—Mother Jones

A bipartisan Senate working group on immigration has proposed a bill for reform that includes a path to legal citizenship and increased border security.—Huffington Post

Top of Alty

Utah Rep. Brian King, D-Salt Lake City, is proposing a bill to limit campaign contributions to state and local candidates for office.—Utah Political Capitol

Volunteers are needed to help conduct a census of need and identify Salt Lake City’s homeless population.—Salt Lake City Weekly

KRCL examines the ongoing battle for the passage of a bill prohibiting statewide discrimination of LGBT Utahns in housing and the workforce.—RadioActive!

A group of Utah moms are seeking support for clean air from the 2013 Legislature.—KCPW


Truthout rails on the economics of “right to work” states.

“‘Right to work’ legislation is invariably driven by employers, industry associations and lobbyists. Employers love "right to work," because it really means "right to work for less. "It doesn't take an MBA to figure out the "right to work" financials. The three states with union membership rates of 4 percent or less? North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia. Median hourly wages: $15.16, $14.45 and $15.25.”—Truthout

The Long View

The NRA has a surprising history of advocating for gun control.

“In the years since, the organization that once encouraged better marksmanship and reasonable gun-control laws has given way to an advocacy organization and political force that saw more guns as the answer to society’s worst violence, whether arming commercial-airline pilots after 9/11 or teachers after the Newtown massacre, while opposing new restrictions on gun usage. It is hard to believe, but the NRA was committed to gun-control laws for most of the 20th century -- helping, until the 1980s, to write most of the federal laws restricting gun use.”—Salt Lake City Weekly

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