Liner Notes: The 2:13's | Buzz Blog

Monday, February 4, 2013

Liner Notes: The 2:13's

Posted By on February 4, 2013, 3:40 PM

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The 2:13’s are a gritty little three-piece, and the members come from three different musical backgrounds -- it’s a melting pot for blues, funk, progressive and hard rock. Drummer Brandon Patrick Barnes talks about three tracks off of the band’s debut EP.---

After extensive gigging over the summer of 2012, this new band, The 2:13’s, decided that the next step was to record an album, even though that process left them with a few questions. “We weren't sure exactly how we were going to go about it; whether we would be doing it ourselves or going to an actual studio. Out of nowhere came a fellow named Kevin Fairchild, who began showing up at our shows. Not just a show here or a show there -- every single show,” Barnes says. “He finally approached us and professed his love and passion for our music and said he was interested in recording us. Because of the dedication he showed to our band, we decided that if he was willing to give us a chance, we would do the same in return.”

The band spent three months recording, mixing and mastering the EP, which has the main purpose to be a “great introduction to our brand of rock 'n roll.”

The 2:13’s CD release show will be Wednesday, Feb.13 (yes, 2/13) at The Urban Lounge (241 S. 500 East, 9 p.m., $5). You can purchase a digital version of the album in advance, here.


The 2:13’s are:
David Nelson (guitar, vocals)
Spencer Moore (bass)
Brandon Patrick Barnes (drums)

Barnes talks about three tracks off of the self-titled EP:

“Chip Off”

“David wrote the entire song in just two hours about a year and a half ago. It was a song that flowed out faster than any other song before it. It’s mainly about his personal experiences with many different topics, such as: living up to standards, survival, pollution of technology and being in a mental hospital. The song is now a lot more groovy and energetic than its initial conception after the added influence of Spencer and Brandon. This song was inspired by Asie Payton.”


“This is actually the first song where we started to form chemistry as a band (the current line-up). Other songs on the album such as “Glass Head” and “Chip Off” had already been written, composed and played with former members before Spencer and Brandon joined the band. We were able to piece this song together with everyone’s input. David had written the idea for the tune years before and brought it to the table as something we could all work on together. The song is about marriage from the perspective of both men and women, and the fact that people are lonely whether they are in a relationship or not. This song was inspired by the You See Me Laughin’: The Last of The Hill Country Bluesmen documentary film.”

“Glass Head”

“There is no easy or mild-mannered way to say it: This song is about fucking. David wrote the song a couple of years ago, before The 2:13’s were in existence. As it has been played over and over and tweaked here and there, the tune has progressed into something very powerful, and in a live setting it always makes the crowd go wild. In the middle sort of breakdown section of the song, we go into a more mellow and contained-energy jam, which was actually an improv we did at one of our shows. We liked it so much we decided to keep it in the studio version. Many of our songs have become what they are now from improvised jams we do at live shows. Funny fact: The melody for “Glass Head” was inspired by a cheesy jingle that Lagoon theme park used for their commercials back in the day.”

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