Alternate Realities Roundup 2/5 | Buzz Blog

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Alternate Realities Roundup 2/5

Posted By on February 5, 2013, 9:09 AM

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An MIT study has shown that “black-identified” names when Googled will return ad results suggesting a person has a criminal record 25 percent more often than “white-identified” names.---

Top of the Alty World

“Google a ‘Black’ Name, get an Arrest Ad?”—The Root

Computer algorithms that swap thousands of stocks instantaneously may be the hottest ticket on Wall Street, but they could also be the next big financial meltdown.—Mother Jones

The Nation offers 10 suggestions for helping to end rape-enabling cultural norms.—The Nation

The Obama administration has enacted measures for preemptive cyberattacks.—Democracy Now!

Top of Alty Utah

A bill that would have recognized climate change in Utah code dies in committee after a debate that included discussion of science, politics, wildfires and, for some reason, Al Qaida—Salt Lake City Weekly

The Utah Attorney General has filed brief in support of anti-gay-marriage challenges at the Supreme Court.—Q Salt Lake

KRCL asks: Does the 2nd Amendment give you the right to own a machine gun?—RadioActive!


Utah Political Capitol looks at the success of a bill to offer tax credits to companies that employ homeless people and challenges those critical of assisting low-income populations.

“There are very few individuals willing to give up everything in the name of charity, and even fewer who have sustained it. To this end, there is nothing inherently wrong with working hard to generate wealth and create a comfortable life for you and yours – it’s the American Dream, and our society has many examples of “rags to riches” stories. But these types of stories tend to ignore two fundamental facts – nothing happens in a vacuum, and that there are many more “rags to more rags” stories in this world.”—Utah Political Capitol

The Long View

 The Legislature will soon be diving into the debate over whether or not to expand Medicaid in the state.

“Utah is at a crossroads. The expansion of Medicaid could help shoulder the burdens of not only those who struggle with substance-abuse and mental-health issues, but also the working poor, people who have declared medical bankruptcy and those juggling multiple part-time jobs without insurance. If expansion is adopted, non-disabled individuals without children who earn less than $14,856 annually could get Medicaid for the first time. That amount is 133 percent of the 2012 Federal Poverty Level, the salary baseline from where the feds measure poverty. But, argue lawmakers, expanding Medicaid could have the potential to bankrupt the state.”—Salt Lake City Weekly

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