Alternate Realities Roundup 4/26 | Buzz Blog

Friday, April 26, 2013

Alternate Realities Roundup 4/26

Posted By on April 26, 2013, 10:32 AM

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“America, the Land Where God Saves & Satan Invests in Assault Weapons and High-Capacity Magazines,” is the slogan on posters made by the new Occupy NRA gun-control movement.---

Top of the Alty World

“Hope Against Hope: How the Gun-Control Movement Lurches Forward, After its Biggest Defeat.”—Slate

Some criticize controversial raids as distracting federal investigators from properly investigating the Boston Marathon suspects.—Democracy Now!

A Yemeni whose village was bombed testifies at the U.S. Senate’s first drone hearing.—Rolling Stone

Two foreign-policy experts discuss whether the U.S. should intervene in Syria given new revelations of the use of chemical weapons there by Syria’s government.—Salon

Top of Alty Utah

Utah Policy talks with outgoing state GOP chair Thomas Wright about his successes and the challenges the party faces in the future.—Utah Policy

A low-income advocacy group is getting ready to roll out prototype of an affordable, eco-friendly shipping-container home in Salt Lake City.—Salt Lake City Weekly

Utah somehow has ranked as one of the most stressed-out states, and also one of the states that experiences the most levels of daily enjoyment.—Salt Lake City Weekly

Salt Lake City residents came out in force to speak against proposed expansions of the Sugar House streetcar.—Utah Political Capitol


The Root asks if we overreacted to the Boston Bomber “losers”?

“Horrific as it was, the Boston bombing was the kind of attack that people in less stable parts of the world deal with on a routine basis. But in our case, this relatively minor outrage was enough to shut down an entire major metropolis, disrupt train and air traffic on the East Coast, tie down a force of 9,000 cops and drive the media into a competitive feeding frenzy. What would have happened if the attack had been carried out by highly trained terrorists instead of a couple of losers who thought they were starring in some lunatic version of Die Hard: With a Vengeance? Did we overreact?”—The Root

The Long View

An author shares some of her “brief interviews with hideous terrorists”

“Here's a surprising thing. Almost everywhere -- in Pakistan, in Indonesia, in Texas -- terrorists offer you tea; sometimes, a full meal. Otherwise, they are quite different from one another. Their motivations vary -- from irredentism to pleasing the God they claim to worship to cleansing the Earth of the mud people who contaminate the world of purity in their minds. Some live in war zones with grievances that are easy for outsiders to grasp; for others, living in the cushy West, the war that is taking place is principally in their own minds, often over identity. Some are paid, some are blackmailed. Some are recruited, and some recruit themselves to their own holy war, whether at home or far away.”—Foreign Policy

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