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As we all know, anything can clog up a sink: food, hair -- even an unholy octopus. That's exactly what Rose Park resident Crystal Bush found in her drain Wednesday evening.---
Activist and journalist Jesse Fruhwirth’s new site, the Utah4ps, casts a skeptical eye on the actions of local police, prisons, politicians and prosecutors.
Apparently, The Incredible Burt Wonderstone earlier this spring wasn't enough for critics to get the hacky magic references out of their system. The twisty-turny magic-themed caper thriller Now You See Me tries to keep audiences surprised, but there are few surprises in store for anyone reading the reviews.
Dear GYA, Can we unanimously agree to stop replacing the word "now" with "meow?" I'll admit, the first time I read it I was like, "Hey, look at that. That's kind of funny." Now, whenever I read it I think you're just trying to subtley inform others that you tuck your T-shirt into your jeans.
A cyber-activist who released information showing that the government is spying on activists including the Occupy movement faces 10 years in federal prison.---
Lost in the sound and fury surrounding proposed changes to nominating candidates at the Utah Republican convention was a warning about the future of Utah politics.