Alternate Realities Roundup 7/9 | Buzz Blog

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Alternate Realities Roundup 7/9

Posted By on July 9, 2013, 10:15 AM

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A United Nations report shows 35 percent of women around the world reporting being the victim of physical or sexual violence.---

Top of the Alty World

“Global Outrage: More than 1/3 of World’s Women Suffer Physical or Sexual Violence”--Alternet

Many of the Federal Emergency Management’s flood maps for the nation are out-of-date, compromising the validity of flood insurance held by many in high-risk areas.—ProPublica

Chaos engulfs Egypt following the ouster of President Mohamed Morsi—Democracy Now!

Hip-hop artist Mos Def was videotaped having tubes inserted in his throat and nostrils to show what the force-feeding process is like for Guantanamo Bay detainees who have been on a hunger strike.---The Atlantic

Top of Alty Utah

An internal law-enforcement memo says white-supremacist prison gangs planned to target and kill Utah cops and prosecutors.—Salt Lake City Weekly

The Utah Attorney General’s office will face a legislative audit in the coming months.—Utah Policy

State officials warn of ozone threat, and caution people about health impacts of exercising outside during the day.--KUER

A Weber State University professor was fired after complaining about naming campus building after controversial LDS Church leader.—Q Salt Lake


Ernie Gamonal, for Utah Political Capitol, argues that the Legislature’s committee that will investigate allegations of corruption against Attorney General John Swallow should not be full of lawyers.

“This is not the committee to stack deep with lawyers. The federal investigation will be run exclusively by lawyers. Any investigation by the State Bar Association will also be run by lawyers. This committee, run by the People’s House, needs to be stacked with people. They will determine whether the Attorney General acted ethically as judged by the people.”—Utah Political Capitol

The Long View

Maycie Nielsen describes her life growing up the child of drug-addicted parents in a winning essay she wrote for a scholarship for children of incarcerated parents.

“When my mom was in jail that fall, we got to visit her the first Thursday of every month. Going to see her was a reward—we had to be good all month long, or no visit. And visiting wasn’t a normal visit. You had to sit on a bench, with a glass window between you and the inmate, and talk through telephones. The visits were monitored by police officers and were timed—just one hour, and there were five of us to talk to her. We each got 20 minutes to tell her everything that had happened in an entire month. At school, kids’ moms and dads would come and watch their Halloween parade, their Christmas concerts, everything, but I only got to see my mom once a month through glass.”—Salt Lake City Weekly

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